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1060      KDUS      AZ, Tempe, u/o WLNO with ID at 0300 EDT 5/30
"AM-1060, KDUS Tempe-Phoenix. The Fan". Into SNR. CKMX off. (PM-OR)

1060      WLNO     LA, New Orleans, good on top a lot of the time at
0400 EDT with David Stein Rel. prm, ID "WLNO New Orleans". Into more
Rel. pgm 5/30. (PM-OR)

1060    KGFX      SD, Pierre, fair in the jumble at 0500 EDT 5/30, with
ESPN jingle followed by "KGFX Pierre". Haven't heard this one in some
time. (PM-OR)

1060     KDYL    UT, S. SLC, fair at times with NOS mx u/o others at
0345 and a KDYL ID 5/30. (PM-OR)

t1060     KYW???     PA, Philidelphia, maybe the one buried at 0355 5/30
with solid news. At one point it sounded like the newscaster said "News
Radio", but hard to tell for sure as WLNO was loud that that moment.
Also at 0357 a spot and it sounded like NY was mentioned, but hard to
tell for sure. (PM-OR)

Drake R8
1500" Eastern beverage, term.

Patrick Martin
KAVT Reception Manager

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