Re: [IRCA] Another IBOC addition
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Re: [IRCA] Another IBOC addition

C. -
If hole-i-garchs have a sliver of brain, they'll heed your wisdom, rather 
than dismiss it in manner of some geriatric HD convert, featured in this week's 
Radio World.  HD Bund probably saw him coming. 
Global Reasoning, no relation to 'Think Globally, Act Loco-y', sometimes 
seems a stretch, but let's have some fun with it anyway. 

Bill Griffith's comic character, 'Zippy the Pinhead', adapted from real-life 
twins Zip 'n Pip and third pin, Schlitzie, in Todd Browning's "Freaks", 
latches on to a word. It then becomes the episode's dominant, self-imploding 
 Are BigKasters real-life Pinheads? They certainly latched onto 'digital'. 
Unable to let go, they repeat it endlessly to anyone unfortunate enough to be 
within earshot.
 "Radio must go digital!", they clang, in same way Zippy babbles, 
'Bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi-bi' while watching the spin cycle.
 Do they realize we're long past the novelty of 'digital'.
 Do BigKorpseKasters, who surely do not frequent these pages, understand 
radio? It's not TV. TV is an appliance. Radio is personal. People toss VCRs. Old 
radios, they keep. 
Radio World's featured convert gushes over HD, proclaiming it a great 
invention, way of the future. Yet, he admits listeners sent letters, calls, and 
e-mails, in which they express displeasure over HD conversion. Are listeners 
opinions irrelevant? Talk about upside-down.
Doesn't he get it? Why does Radio World believe we don't? 
In our 'Oh, that old chestnut' department, R/W still blats about Vlad-Mart 
selling HD radios.
Yeah, right. Ain't seen a one yet. Musta sold out.
Last week, Target, Jacaranda Plaza, Venice, FL. Newly expanded/renovated. 
Lots uppa-da-scale radios. Boston Acoustics, etc. HD? Nope. Musta sold out. Yeah, 
tha's it. Sold out. 
PV Zecchino, T.D.
Manalog Key, FL
"Sold out, that Blessed Reverend! 
 Sold out, I tell you! Sold out!"
             - Dennis Barlow,
               "The Loved One"
               c. 1965, MGM,
              Evelyn Waugh, Terry Southern,
              Christopher Isherwood
              Tony Richardson
"The film with something to offend everyone."
                          - tag line
one of the dakest comedies ever  -

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