[DX] bc vai ute
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[DX] bc vai ute
Mikähän tämän aseman status olisi piste/lokausmielessä,
bc vai ute? Kun näyttäisi vetelevän viihdemusiikkiakin.
Vertailukohtina wanhoilta ajoilta esim. Bangkok Met ja
turkkilainen Meteorolojin Sesi.
Jari - JSA
** CHINA. 3303 (USB), Zhoushan Maritime Meteorological Radio,
*1401-1411*, Sept 30, on with EZL Kenny G instrumental music ("Forever
in Love"), woman in Chinese with assume the maritime weather
conditions, poor to fair. Sept 29 noted 1412 sign-off. Believe this
might be a new time for them. Dan Sheedy had been monitoring them in
early Sept. around the 1100-1112 time period (Ron Howard, Asilomar
Beach, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg via DX LISTENING DIGEST)
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