Re: [IRCA] Noisy Cable TV - Part III
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Re: [IRCA] Noisy Cable TV - Part III

Craig Healy wrote:

> Now, now.  I'm not openly advocating any such thing.  Merely passing along
> an amusing anecdote as to how one chap approached it.  (bigwideevilgrin)

There is always the possibility of damage to neighbor's electronic 
equipment should someone actually contemplate this. Coupling devices and 
fuses will eventually fail on the CATV plant, but this certainly would 
cause some real damage to the plant. It would, of course, be easily 
traceable to the causer's area and tap simply by visually inspecting the 
damage to the system. Not that they'd likely suspect the real cause of 
the damage.

> I think you've approached this correctly by writing and documenting all
> this.  Having the local government in the loop is smart.  The FCC Part 15
> regs will have some bearing, as will the original cable authorization
> contract.  It may be hard, but if you can find a copy of that agreement
> there may be language in there on interference problem resolution.  You
> certainly could hold their feet to the fire with it.

I think I recommended looking at the franchise a while back. Definitely 
do this.

Also, have you called the power company yet? It is still possible that 
the noise may be conducted by the CATV system, but caused elsewhere. 
Either way, the power company's noise locater will have the gear to do 
the job. It is most unlikely that your average installer or tech would.

Have you had a conversation with your local CATV Plant Manager yet?

Rick Kunath
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