Re: [IRCA] Names from the past
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Re: [IRCA] Names from the past

--- Patrick Martin <mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Don,
> I do remember all those names well. Gene Allen was good friends with
> Hank. Hank used to mention him often in his letters. Jim, yep, he was
> at
> a couple conventions. Remember Len Lockwood from Olympia? Don, I
> remember meeting you the first time at the ERBA GTG in Portland about
> 1969. Randy Seaver was also there. Bill Block and I came over. He was
> 22, but I was only 20, not old enough to go into the bar. hi.

*** Speaking of Randy Seaver, anybody know where he is now ?

Russ Edmunds
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[15 mi NNW of Philadelphia]
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