Team 666 can relax. World didn't end but Tampa 820 blights the spectrum with iBLOC from 795 to 845. What, me worry? No. We 'shouldn't listen to distant stations'. What next, we shouldn't read non-digital books? Surely there's no big picture. Slumber sweetly in safety.
DA-5 useless against it for 810 ZNS-1. Unlike analog, iBLIGHT all but impossible to null.
iBLOC will prevail because Oligarchs employ any means to ensure it does. Ten years ago? No. Twenty? FCC would laugh dissembling iBLIGHT hucksters from chambers then delouse, steam clean and spray them with Lysol (r).
Ours is a different era. iBLIGHT is a neo-90's licety: costly, disingenuous and destructive to longstanding legitimate arrangements. TeamBLIGHT promotes it with glib nonsequiturs and arrogant dissemblings - at best - as iBLIGHT is a self-serving profitable lie which benefits only self-anointed Kleptogarchs to the detriment of all others.
IBLIGHT will - as they hope - bring Kleptokasters their coveted monopoly. It will further alienate listeners who've moved on to myriad superior systems. Billions of us have trillions invested in radios. Why buy a 'Rezeptor' when the 'Magic $199' price hits? Because some greaszy MonopolyKaster whose strong suit is dull programming rigs the market?
When one votes with one's feet the possibilities are boundless.
Monopolykasters will be left holding all their greaszily-coveted cards - but they'll be Jokers. Exploitive schemes inevitably collapse beneath their own weight.
"Truth leads a wretched life - and always survives the lie."
- Cathy O'Brien
Paul Vincent Zecchino
Manasoviet Key, FL