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[IRCA] Hawaii Ultralight TP-DXpedition File Review

     Lucky breaks continue to pile up in the recordings made during last month's Poipu, Hawaii Ultralight DXpedition, with a second India station being identified (954-AIR, with English News at 1539 UTC on 11-8, // 927) and 7 TP's being received on 702 kHz alone. 

     Most DXers are aware that Hawaii has an excessive number of local stations running too much power, with salt water spreading their splatter far and wide. The way that a vacationing DXer can compensate for that is to find out which frequencies are free and clear, and exploit them for all they are worth.

     702 kHz was one such frequency in Poipu, Kauai. It yielded 7 different transoceanic stations during the recent Ultralight DXpedition, including the 8,400 mile DX catch of the BBC Arabic Service in A'Seela, Oman. The list also included the NHK2 synchros, KCBS in Chongjin, N. Korea (which was off-frequency, causing a throbbing hum on everything else), Jiangsu in China, VoV in Danang, Vietnam, 2BL in Sydney, Australia, and a presumed Magic in Auckland, N.Z.

     Like 927-AIR in Visakhapatnam, India (100 kW), 954-AIR in Najibabad (200 kW) was carrying English news at 1539 UTC, mixing with another UnID Chinese station. The 927-AIR reception (at 1531 on the same morning) was confirmed by Indian DXer C.K. Raman, and the 954-AIR reception is obviously the same English news with the same announcer

954-AIR (mixing with China at 1539 UTC  on 11-8)  https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/iorttt8om8i3mrmw8m5w6xbjz50zm8ht

927-AIR (mixing with China at 1531 UTC on 11-8)  https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/0got0o1k2bkhpw411fk2y32kg9oxer17

Besides the two stations from India and 702-BBC in Oman, AM stations were also received from Iran, Egypt, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam (5 stations). Hopefully an SDR-DXer will also be willing to try out his luck in this awesome DXing paradise, assuming that the logistics can be worked out.

Gary DeBock (DXing in Poipu, Kauai, Hawaii from November 3-8 with a 7.5 inch loopstick CC Skywave SSB Ultralight and 5 inch "Frequent Flyer" FSL antenna)

DXpedition video posted at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CbS3zUD6hI


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