[IRCA] Every couple of decades
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[IRCA] Every couple of decades

I am not a member of the IRCA. I was for years, but politics and name calling, and who heard what or who didn't, lessened the club's service and necessity to what is an enjoyable and fun hobby for me.
And it's not just about IBOC. I value the thoughts and opinions of all in this hobby, but the superior attitude of "I know better then you" isn't for me. If I hear France on 162 kHz tonight, does that mean they were running their regular night power of just one million watts, or did I only hear them because they were "cheating" ( a term used more and more by those who are far removed from the plate voltage and current meters on the transmitter final in question), and running their two million watt day power?
I could care less about name calling, or station totals. Just the joy of hearing something new or distant is enough for me. I know what I have heard, and what I haven't. I have no idea how many stations I have DXed, but I remember the thrill of many of them. They were no great feats on my part. I have average equipment, a modest budget, and yet while I'd admit it's not as fun on MW as it was when I could hear perhaps 50 different rock station playlists and jingles at night, I still enjoy the hobby. For the fun of it.
Ronald Schatz vs. C.M. Stanbury II drove me out of the IRCA a few decades ago. It's just that I was more interested in what station might get a pattern or format change, then who knows more about radio, or is of better character, or is right.
The Internet database and FCC sites never have to prove who is a better DXer.  And there are some great sites. Many run by members of DX clubs.
You have all heard great DX using your skill and talent over the years. You have nothing to prove. It's a lot more enjoyable when you do it for fun. 
And for those who remember, where is my Radio Million' QSL?
Brock Whaley
Lilburn, GA
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