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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 3-31 (Preliminary)

Haven't checked 738 1143 yet on the earlier files, Gary, but little sign of either Taiwan Fisheries during the live listening period from 1330 to 1400UT. Chinese burst in briefly on 981 during that period, and maybe 945.
Mind you, both 945 and 1098 have delivered poor audio here just a few 
minutes ago 1509-1513UT, with 945  //CNR1 webstream, so who knows 
what has been happening in the last hour of broad daylight.
best wishes,


At 14:21 2018-03-31, Gary DeBock wrote:
Asian propagation was fairly good this morning from both Korea and China, although a primary target station (738-BEL2) didn't really cooperate. A week ago this morning the Indonesian/ Tagalog program was broadcast, and further investigation was in order. What did cooperate (in a major way) was 657-Pyongyang, which provided a nice, throbbing S9 signal right through its 1330 TOH, complete with martial music, throbbing hum, the 3+1 pips and the pleasant morning greeting from the sweet-voiced female announcer https://dreamcrafts.box.com/s/gf2u64ztx60me4w6sycgj5zrnhqld7og Other than this there was pretty good Chinese propagation on 756, 981 and a few other frequencies; full details to follow.

73 and Good DX,

Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)

7.5" loopstick CC Skywave SSB Ultralight +

15" FSL antenna

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