Re: [IRCA] IBOC/analog reception comparisons.
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Re: [IRCA] IBOC/analog reception comparisons.

Not a prayer of this happening...the train's gone from the station.  Hottest
thing this year is that 30G IPod, which blows away the 300 song limit and
adds video capability.  Interestingly, seems that most of the
Hendrix/Beatles/Zeppelin tracks are hotter than ever with the IPod set.
It's not "digital" that selling it.  Digital makes it possible, but what
sells it is "it's mine."  

Doubt that IPod users bother much with radio, 300 songs or 3000.  

"Extensive research" has a history of being off the mark where music
consumers are concerned.  (Case in point, the incredible sales of Beatles 1
and Elvis #1, neither expected to sell as much, as fast, and continue as
strong for years as these.)  

If radio wants to survive, it needs to stop trying to compete with the rest
of technology and do what it does best, which is serve as a voice for the
community where it resides.  I guess that means the "niche" stations will
last longer than all the rest of them.  Whether the signal is digital,
analog, or strings and tin cans, the industry's got to go home.  

Go ahead, if you wish, and point to some more research that shows how ESPN
radio or Rush Limbaugh or whatever other source has somehow kept radio
alive.  It kept stations on the air, I'll grant, but it's not alive, because
there's nobody home.  How can we tell this?  All that dead air on some
station breaks, all that doubled audio on others is a giveaway. 
IPod=cool, digital=so what? 

Now if you'll pardon me, I need to burn some more CDs to have at work. 

Gerry Bishop
Niceville, FL 

-----Original Message-----
From: irca-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:irca-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of David Gleason
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:58 PM
To: 'Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America'
Subject: Re: [IRCA] IBOC/analog reception comparisons.

There is definitely an element of "it's my list" but the fact is, extensive
research showed the average number of songs on an iPod is 300 and they
closely mirror the playlist of the radio station the iPod user listens to. 

The key issue is that carrying an iPod is cool, while a (analog) radio is
not. iPod = cool. Digital = Cool. Make radio digital, it is cooler than it
was and moves up in image among entertainment choices. 

-----Original Message-----
From: irca-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:irca-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of W. Curt Deegan
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 5:47 PM
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
Subject: Re: [IRCA] IBOC/analog reception comparisons.

It doesn't have anything to do with digital, except as a means to an 
end.  It is their play list, not someone else's, that's why they like it.

W. Curt Deegan
Boca Raton, (Southeast) Florida

David Gleason wrote:

>Put a frame around those comments! Very nicely stated, Russ. 
>Perception is reality, or why would people prefer the ultra compressed
>on an iPod to CDs and FM?  It's because it's an iPod and it's digital! 
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