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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 11 January 2018

Definitely the best morning of the year thus far. The upper band wasn't anything special, but things were very lively below 1000 khz.
567	JOIK	Sapporo, JAPAN	Man in Japanese at 1312, //594

594	JOAK	Tokyo, JAPAN	Man speaking in Japanese at 1311

666 JOBK Osaka, JAPAN Man and woman in Japanese at 1310. Surprisingly, just as good as //594 at the time.
693	JOAB	Tokyo, JAPAN	Man and woman with language lesson at 1306, // 
stronger 774 and 828.
747	JOIB	Sapporo, JAPAN	Man and woman with language lesson at 1349	

774 JOUB Akita, JAPAN Man and woman with English language lesson at 1307, though not as good as the other 'big guns'.
828	JOBB	Osaka, JAPAN	Good level with man and woman presenting English 
lesson at 1305.
873	JOGB	Kumamoto JAPAN	Bits of pieces of the language lesson making it 
through the splatter at 1338.
972	HLCA	Danjing, S.KOREA	Man in Korean at 1306

981	unID	Traces of man talking at 1313.

1116	4BC	Brisbane, AUSTRALIA	Weak, with woman reading the news at 1403

1566	HLAZ	Jeju, S.KOREA	Woman in Japanese at 1343.

I think that was the first time I've heard 873 all season, and 666 has been very scarce too.
Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR with Wellbrook phased array
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