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Re: [IRCA] TP Rpt from Gualala, CA 11/14 & 11/17
- Subject: Re: [IRCA] TP Rpt from Gualala, CA 11/14 & 11/17
- From: d1028gary@xxxxxxxxxxx
- Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2017 04:01:55 +0000 (UTC)
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- Thread-topic: TP Rpt from Gualala, CA 11/14 & 11/17
Hi Craig,
<<< Conditions continue to be poor. From a spot overlooking the Pacific just north of Gualala, CA, only 747 JOIB and 774 JOUB have been present, with decent audio on peaks. A limited assortment of hets have been detected. No DUs noted.
Best of DX,
Craig Barnes
Just north of Gualala, CA
Tecsun PL-310 DeBock 5รข Frequent Flyer FSL >>>
You probably did about as well as could be expected, Craig. Northern California is a very tough place to chase TP-DX, with the ocean beach propagation making San Francisco pests cover up to the northern Oregon coast in the daytime. The problem in California is that almost every MW frequency has a California station on it, and the ocean coast propagation enhances the coastal pests (LA and SF) as well as the weaker TP's. Several of these SF-area pests are daytimers at the Rockwork 4 site near Manzanita, Oregon-- audible around local noon.
DXers who live in the Northwest should be thankful that they avoid this problem. I'm sure that you will have far better TP-DXing luck in Kalaloch next spring!
73, Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Donald Barnes via IRCA" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Donald Barnes" <bevdxer@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 7:13:11 AM
Subject: [IRCA] TP Rpt from Gualala, CA 11/14 & 11/17
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