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[IRCA] S. AZ TPs Sept 16

Fair to decent TP conditions this Saturday morning. Mostly low band with many hets.
729 very poor  talk 1306 utc

774 Japan peaking at weak (good copy) 1308 utc witth EE "the last Nagasaki bombing victim died at age 92"
972 S Korea poor on peaks 1311 utc

1098 strong het 1312 utc

1242 very poor talk 1313 utc

1566 S Korea poor on peaks, 1314-1334 utc finally fading away

1611 occasional traces of talk 1320 utc; other expanded band freq hets all very weak
Steve AA7U

near Sahuarita, AZ

R75; west DKAZ + FLG100 preamp

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