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Re: [IRCA] Motel QRM

another Canadian chimes in....;-)

Having to spend a disproportional amount of my time in hotel rooms (like every other week!), my experience is that it is often more about shielding of the building, than just QRM from noisy appliances, although they are a big factor as well.
I often find that just putting the radio by the window sill, dramatically 
improves reception. In fact, at a hotel beside Amsterdam's Schipol airport, 
(a very noisy source if there ever was one), I heard a number of low powered 
Dutch stations just by having my CC Crane radio sitting on the sealed window 
sill. That probably wont help if you want to listen in bed, but perhaps 
wrapping some wire around the window frame might help? Or if you can get a 
room with a window that opens, you can drop a wire surreptitiously outside 
the window .
Hope this helps.


Kingston, Ontario, Canada

From: "R. Colin Newell" <coffeecanuck@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2017 5:19 PM
To: "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [IRCA] Motel QRM

My apologies as well (I'm Canadian - we apologize a LOT!) -- :-)

Get one of these -

I have used one - they feel good in the hand, have great audio and have
been well received...

On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 1:47 PM, Stephen Hawkins <ng0g@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I should have been clearer.  I was complaining about the Motel QRM while
on the road.


A need to replace the SW-35 is on the horizon. I have used it for so long that all of the writing on the case over the controls is gone, and some of the switches are intermittent. I have been using it nightly since I got it
more then  14 years ago.


Colin Newell - Editor and creator *of *Coffeecrew.com
<http://www.Coffeecrew.com> and DXer.ca <http://www.DXer.ca> -
VA7WWV | Twitter @CoffeeCrew | Victoria - Canada
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