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Re: [IRCA] RadioShack Has Essentially Shut All Its Stores

Doesn't the Vancouver area still have a real storefront parts supplier Theo? R P Electronics if I remember correctly? We still have Queale in Victoria, better than the Canadian Radio Shack ever was for parts, though can't compete with the selection of Digi-Key etc.
Do any other such individual suppliers exist in other parts of Canada 
or the U.S.?
best wishes,


At 22:44 07-06-17, Theo wrote:
Years ago Tandy got rid of its Radio Shack stores in Canada... and later

removed the local right to use the brand name... so they became The
Source at Circuit City.. but when the US portion of that was liquidated,
they morphed to just The Source.

The stores seem to be surviving, though don't look for much in the way
of radio stuff.  The local mall close to home used to have two outlets
-- and there are still another three that I'm aware of within 10 km.

Burnaby, BC

On 6/7/2017 11:09 AM, billy brooks wrote:
Maybe the shack will reorganize and call itself "olsen electronics".
Stranger things have happened.

Bill brooks
Drake r8a      wellbrook  ala1530lnp

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