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Re: [IRCA] domestic dx

I have 1YC/880 from Auckland, 1YZ/860 from the Paengaroa site, and 2YC/660 outside Wellington verified while living on the top floor of an old house in East Vancouver in early '68. 4QD/Emerald on 1550 was also heard but for some reason I never bothered to send a report... rx was (and still is tho' haven't tried to turn it on in decades) an Aussie-made boombox-style with just the internal ferrite rod... physically about the same size as the Zenith Trans-Oceanic.

On 4/30/2017 10:17 PM, Nick Hall-Patch wrote:
Back in the '60s, the Asian and Australian DX was still on the 10 kHz channels, but there were also still clear channels, so domestic interference was not a big issue on a number of frequencies.
I think the only one I heard then was China on 1040, but at least in 
IRCA, DXers in California, and I think Seattle, heard others, using 
just air core loop antennas, and big iron communication receivers.
best wishes,

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