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Re: [IRCA] Format change for CJLV 1570 Laval, QC?

Maybe some kind of a brokered program, Barry? As their website is almost useless, difficult to verify.
Since then, I never heard anything than their usual French programing.


Le 2017-03-27 Ã 08:00, Barry Davies a Ãcrit :
  Hello SylvainMaybe a preamble to a permanent switch to South Asian format or link cock up with the many AM South Asian stations in your neck of the woods hi!

Best wishes
Carlisle UK.  Lat. 55.0119N   Lon. 02.9672W.

       From: Sylvain Naud <sylvainnaud62@xxxxxxxxx>
  To: International Radio Club of America <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  Sent: Sunday, 26 March 2017, 22:31
  Subject: Re: [IRCA] Format change for CJLV 1570 Laval, QC?
Now back in French px at 18:10 EDT with Big Band music !!?

Le 2017-03-26 Ã 17:08, Sylvain Naud a Ãcrit :
Listening to 1570 around 16:40 EDT, South Asian music with comments
and ads in an unID language. However, I was able to pick "CJLV" in an
accented English with many Montreal mentions.

Never heard yet of such change happening, although it doesn't surprise me..

Their website "AM 1570, SuccÃs Absolus" is still online but with some
broken links and empty audio stream.

Sylvain Naud
Portneuf, QC

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