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Re: [IRCA] Puyallup, WA Ultralight TP's for 3-21

What, no North Korean on 657? They are rarely heard in Victoria, yet this morning, they were quite strong.
best wishes,


At 15:12 21-03-17, d1028gary@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Thanks to Richard, Steve and Bill for their detailed TP-DXing reports. The Japanese on 594, 693, 747 and 774 were at similar modest strength here, along with 1566-HLAZ at a brief good level before the antenna switch at 1345, and a fair signal in and out from 1593-CNR1 just before 1400.
But the overwhelming star of the session here seems to have passed 
over the other DXers-- another monster signal from 972-HLCA, 
reaching S9 peaks in and out on a single 5 inch FSL from 1320-1400.
972 HLCA Dangjin, S. Korea Korean female conversation at a blowtorch 
level at 1347-- in and out at this strength until the 3 + 1 pips at 1400

73 and Good DX,
Gary DeBock (in Puyallup, WA, USA)
7.5" loopstick C.Crane Skywave Ultralight + 5 inch "Frequent Flyer" FSL antenna (combo photo from this morning's back yard session posted at
https://app.box.com/s/yjbfdrqgj737x7f1xj6zfah4f97xxyyd )

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Victoria, BC
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