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[IRCA] TP 8 Jan Victoria version

Not quite yesterday's levels, and decidedly more oriented towards DU, but still far better than most mornings the past few weeks

pretty darn good audio (all of it understandable by a native speaker, at least briefly):
not today

Reasonable audio at times during the period (much of it understandable by a native speaker, though often battling w/splash or noise):
612 4QR man in DU English, 1514-17UT, then into female jazz vocal, 
fading down slowly over the next 15 minutes or so
774 JOUB English lessons 1508UT, briefly peaking to this level
1116 4BC "on Brisbane's news talk 4BC" by man 1537UT, generally weak, but quite clear at times

not so reasonable audio, occasional words or phrases in splash or noise could be understood by a native speaker:
738 2NR man talking to another man on phone //612 1543UT
774 3LO 6 pips and fanfare slipping through splash, man saying "ABC news" 1300UT

Burbles in the splatter and noise (if lucky, language might be guessed at by cadence of talk, or parallel established by changes in talk or music)
702 man and woman talking,  DU English inflection 1433UT
747 JOIB man and woman talking in splat 1441UT //774 which was near imaginary at this time

Strongish het, no or "near imaginary" audio (either undermodulated or ravaged by splatter)
567 621 792 837 891 1017 1026 1098 1548  1566

best wishes,



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