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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 20 December 2016

It may well be illogical (you won't get any argument from my wife on that score!), but I still get curious about what any given morning may bring. Sometimes I get what I expect, but every so often we hit those exceptional mornings. Now would I be so dedicated if I didn't have to get up for work anyhow? Your guess is as good as mine!

1566 HLAZ Cheju, S.KOREA Didn't check until later today, but heard Christian music, with talk by man and woman at 1459.
1575	VOA	THAILAND		Presumed the one with traces of audio at 1501.  A 
second decent carrier there today too, about 10 Hz low.
1593	CNR1	CHINA			Heard a mix of the CNR and NHK time pips at 1500, but 
at 1502 it was CNR with a woman talking (news?) on top.  This was 
actually the strongest TP today, a bit better than 1566.
All the action was at the top end of the dial today.  Apart from the 
audio above, also had solid carriers on 1584 and 1557, and lots of 
carriers above about 1200 khz.  The lower end of the dial was pretty 
anemic, with only so-so carriers on the bug gun channels.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR with Wellbrook Phased Array
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