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Re: [IRCA] [HCDX] ABC To End Shortwave Transmissions!

True in Radio Australia's case. I was refering to international broadcasting in general. To those few broadcasters that still have an antenna pointed at us.
But in Radio Australia's case, we are talking regional influence, soft 
power. They won't have any prestige just paying island nations to host 
their would be illegal immigrants.

Ottawa, ON

On 2016-12-05 9:09 PM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:
DX'ers, listeners, whatever you call yourselves wont matter.. someone in
Ottawa, Ontario or Galena Alaska doesnt matter a hill o effin beans to the
budget or audience numbers to ABC NT SW or Radio Australia


On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 9:07 PM, DXer <hfdxmonitor@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I know this may cause a cataclysm for some, but I think DXers have zero
utility to international broadcasters these days. If we want to have a
small chance of keeping these services, we should stop contacting
broadcasters as DXers, and call ourselves listeners only.

Telling broadcasters about SINFO, receiver, antennas, instead of what they
liked or disliked in the programming is a waste of their time.

Asking them for programs on a variety of life enhancing topics will go a
lot farther than asking for a QSL card.


Ottawa, ON

On 2016-12-05 8:46 PM, DXer wrote:

In Australia's case, like New Zealand's, their service has an altruistic
nature too. I don't think expats are the target, but the pacific island

If they want to keep their 'influence' in the area, they have to pay for
it. Soft power does not come cheap.

Ottawa, ON

On 2016-12-05 8:37 PM, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:

And financially, out of country coverage to cover a few ex Aussies and
dxers makes absolutely zero sense

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