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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 9 November 2016

In the big picture, not a really exciting morning, but given recent conditions, pretty good. Best Japanese reception for a couple of weeks anyhow.
594    JOAK    Tokyo, JAPAN    Woman in Japanese at 1301.

693    JOAB    Tokyo, JAPAN    Woman in Japanese at 1331, //747.

747    JOIB    Sapporo, JAPAN   Woman in Japanese at 1331.

774    JOUB    Akita, JAPAN    Man and woman talking in Japanese at 1329.

828    JOBB    Osaka, JAPAN    Traces of woman in Japanese at 1341.

873 JOGB Kumamoto, JAPAN Heard NHK time pips at 1300, but that was about it for audio.
1116	4BC	Brisbane, AUSTRALIA	The lone DU signal today, with bits of talk 
by a man at 1356.
1566    HLAZ    Cheju, KOREA    First noted  at poor level with man in 
Japanese at 1336.   Came up to fair nearer to 1400.


Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR with Wellbrook Phased Array

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