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Re: [IRCA] Autumn 2016 DXpeditions?

Hopefully the conditions improve, good luck.

73, Mauno

3.11.2016, 22:00, Russ Edmunds kirjoitti:
Just a quick note that the 2016 LBI DXpedition has now begun. We have 5
DX'ers currently, with another 5 arriving tomorrow.

Russ Edmunds
15 mi NW Phila
Grid FN20id

AM: Modified Sony ICF2010's (4) barefoot w/whip
FM: Yamaha T-80 & T-85, each w/ Conrad RDS Decoder;
Onkyo T-450RDS; Tecsun PL-310 ( 4);
modified Sony ICF2010's (3) w/APS9B @ 15';
modified Sony ICF2010 w/whip

On Sun, Oct 23, 2016 at 6:06 AM, Bill Whitacre <bw@xxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Mark and thanks for putting together a list of prospective DXpeditions..

After joining the crowd at LBI in a couple of weeks, Iâll be making the
trek to Quoddy House in a month or so - Nov. 13-20 - then back to Fleeton,
VA, on the Chesapeake Bay, for a few days in early December and then
Grayland in February, 2017.

Hoping for quiet geomag conditions and mild weather!

At all locations Iâll be using what has become my âstockâ 160â DKAZ with
Vactrol termination.  Just completed two more Vactol units yesterday and
may summon the energy to try an in-line array of closely-spaced DKAZ for
some added directivity â or take another shot at a broadside array of DKAZ.

Bill Whitacre
Alexandria, VA


On Oct 20, 2016, at 11:55 PM, Mark Connelly via IRCA <
irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Mark Connelly <markwa1ion@xxxxxxx>
Subject: Autumn 2016 DXpeditions?
Date: October 20, 2016 at 11:55:02 PM EDT
To: badx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, CapeDX@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, am@xxxxxxxxxxx,
I'm curious as to what DXpeditions are on tap before winter sets in.

"Who's going where when?"

Of greatest interest to me are ones along the US and Canadian Atlantic
coastline such as:
PEI - I think Bruce Conti, Brent Taylor, and some others are signed up
for that
Newfoundland - ?
NJ coast (Long Beach Island?)

Of course, here in the east, results from those outings are augmented
well by near-DXpedition-grade home-based reporters such as Allen Willie in
NL, Michael Yule in NS, Brent Taylor in PEI, Sylvain Naud in QC, a few of
us in New England, and sporadic contributors from other coastal hotspots
such as the NC Outer Banks and south FL.
Still somewhat relevant to me would be news about DXpeditions in Europe,
Africa, South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda.
The West Coast guys must have some activities cooked up (such as
Rockworks, Grayland, and Haida Gwaii).  Every so often trips to Hawaii are
mentioned.  Japanese and Australian DXers are likely to be active sometime
I'm thinking of doing at least one or two sessions from the car at beach
sites within an hour's drive time.  Typically these would be around local
sunset at sites providing more consistent / strong TA and South American
signals than can normally be obtained at the house.  Maybe I would try to
coordinate a mini-DXpedition night with others' activities in PEI or NL as
I've done in some previous years.
Mark Connelly, WA1ION
South Yarmouth, MA
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