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Re: [IRCA] WATERPROOF BOXES (was: DKAZ questions)

The other concern about weep holes may be unfounded: What if the boxes are subjected to a moist/foggy environment? Does that ambient moisture get inside the box?


Mark Durenberger

-----Original Message----- From: Nick Hall-Patch
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2016 10:31 AM
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America
Subject: Re: [IRCA] WATERPROOF BOXES (was: DKAZ questions)

One thing that will interest me is whether you get condensation
inside those sealed boxes Mark and Guy.    Over the years, a number
of radio amateurs have found they needed to add bleed holes on the
underside of the box to allow condensation to escape, at least for
long term deployment.

I believe the problem is that moist air can find its way into the
box, even if actual moisture can't, and then it gets cooler and the
moisture condenses and has nowhere to go.

It's a battle!

I've sealed up regular plastic boxes over the years with a runny
silicone compound used for sealing windshields (auto supply stores
have it, Permatex is one of the brands), figuring I won't be taking
it apart except in direst circumstances.  Then I have had to add a
bleed hole anyway.

best wishes,


At 14:04 30-10-16, Mark4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Guy, I ordered a bunch of these and have been getting e-mails in bad English about running into customs problems, and so sorry, and if I send my PayPal info he'll refund the money etc.. So it might have become a bad bet but tnx anyway. On the other hand the boxes may eventually arrive and I'll be the first to apologize.
Meanwhile if someone IS looking for small waterproof boxes, try this:


Mine arrived in the usual two days and are very well-built.

I'm halfway through a complete how-to story on waterproofing antenna terminations and hope to have this published in a week or two.

Mark Durenberger

-----Original Message----- From: Guy Atkins

Last year I came upon this weatherproof model and have found the quality to be very impressive for the price:
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Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, BC

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