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Know what you mean! I've been trying to come up with a way to make one of the end-posts pivot somewhat, so I can tighten/loosen the wire as temperatures dictate. Don't guffaw...I've seen measurable F/B differences in doing this.


Mark Durenberger

-----Original Message----- From: Mark Pettifor
Sent: Sunday, October 30, 2016 9:49 AM
To: Mailing list for the International Radio Club of America

Looking forward to the article, Mark.

I had that ebay page bookmarked, but hadn't ordered anything yet....

Meanwhile, my soggy, alligator-clipped DKAZ is still working
fairly-good. I found out that I had to make the support stakes deeper,
because of the clay/loam mix I have for soil. When it gets a few days of
rain, it gets really soft. The wind came along several days ago and blew
one of the support poles over. Live and learn!

Mark Pettifor
Goshen, IN

On 2016-10-30 10:04 am, Mark4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Guy, I ordered a bunch of these and have been getting e-mails in bad
English about running into customs problems, and so sorry, and if I
send my PayPal info he'll refund the money etc..  So it might have
become a bad bet but tnx anyway.  On the other hand the boxes may
eventually arrive and I'll be the first to apologize.

Meanwhile if someone IS looking for small waterproof boxes, try this:


Mine arrived in the usual two days and are very well-built.

I'm halfway through a complete how-to story on waterproofing antenna
terminations and hope to have this published in a week or two.


Mark Durenberger

-----Original Message----- From: Guy Atkins

Last year I came upon this weatherproof model and have found the
quality to be very impressive for the price:

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