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[IRCA] September 2016 Michigan BCB Logs
- Subject: [IRCA] September 2016 Michigan BCB Logs
- From: Tim Tromp <kilokat7@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2016 12:17:54 -0400
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All new logs heard during the month of September, and a British relog.
Listening from Western Michigan. Times / dates in UTC. Perseus SDR &
reversible north-south D-KAZ.
580 WTAG Worcester, MA. - 1005 UTC 9/4/206 - Poor with FOX News at TOH and
into "local weather brought to you by the New England Truck Solutions
Weather Center" at 1005 UTC followed by W-T-A-G calls and WTAG.com mention,
creeping into the back of the SW BOGs. (TROMP-MI)
720 Radio Catolica Managua, Nicaragua - 0200 UTC 9/5/2016 - With Spanish
religious music and YL talk backgrounding WGN's flamethrower signal. Weak
but good enough to compare against their live webstream to confirm
reception, on South D-KAZ during slight au cx. (TROMP-MI)
720 WVCC Hogansville, GA. - 0112 UTC 9/14/2016 - Thanks to a DX tip,
daytimer on late way under dominant WGN with Larry Elder talk show // to
WVCC webstream, on the South D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
800 WPJM Greer, SC. - 0041 UTC 9/4/2016 - With black gospel song over
GY-like station roar easily // to WPJM webstream during slight au cx, on
870 KJMP - Pierce, CO. - 1002 UTC 9/4/2016 - Taking over WWL with The
Contours song "Do You Love Me", great signal and into ID: "Rocking and
Rolling on the __?__, the Big 8-7, K-J-M-P, Pierce/Fort Collins" and into
Chuck Berry's "Johnny B. Goode", SW BOGs. (TROMP-MI)
910 Radio Cadena Agramonte, Cuba - 0258 UTC 9/3/2016 - From poor to strong
during au cx with SS music, Cuba talk, and Radio Cadena / CamagĂey
mentions, on the South D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
950 WXLW Indianapolis, IN. - 0200 UTC 9/6/2016 - Dominant with Freedom 95
slogan and legal TOH ID, on South D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1050 CJNB North Battleford, SK. - 1100 UTC 9/11/2016 - With modern c/w
music and legal ID at TOH with mention of FM 102.3 and slogan "Today's
Country", soon lost to WTKA on the North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1150 KASM Albany, MN. - 1106 UTC 9/11/2016 - Signing on the air with
southern gospel music and multi-ID given at 1106 UTC for KASM & KDDG, on
the North D-KAZ over WHBY. (TROMP-MI)
1150 CJSL Estevan, SK. - 1057 UTC 9/11/2016 - Extremely faint under WHBY
with slogan "CJ 11-50" after c/w song ended, then calls given and soon lost
again when KASM signed on, North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1210 KRSV Afton, WY. - 1101 UTC 9/18/2016 - Poor with C/W music and this OM
ID given at 1101 UTC: "K-R-S-V, 12-10 AM, Black." Checking the KRSV online
stream later that night confirms their slogan is cut-off at the end. What
should be "12-10 AM, Black Mountain Country" comes out as just "12-10 AM,
Black." Fair off-frequency het also noted on 1210.14 (first noted here back
in Jan. 2013 and still remains a mystery for me). On North D-KAZ.
1220 CJRB Boissevain, MB. - 1058 UTC 9/18/2016 - Very weak OM with "You've
been listening to classics......on C-J-R-B....AM twelve...." and then into
CJRB News, on North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1230 WKLK Cloquet, MN. - 0300 UTC 9/24/2016 - Very clear YL ID at TOH:
"Thank you for listening to the area's best music right here in Minnesota's
northwoods. AP Radio News is next, here on AM 12-30 W-K-L-K Cloquet." On
the North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1240 KCCR Pierre, SD. - 1100 UTC 9/20/2016 - Just above the GY noise with
partial OM slogan: "...City Radio" and clear calls and city during legal
TOH ID while mixing with WJMC, on the North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1330 CJYM Rosetown, SK. - 1000 UTC 9/15/2016 - Under WVHI with local
weather forecast with temps given in Celseus, faint call sign given with
announcement "We are classic hits..", on North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1400 WCCY Houghton, MI. - 1100 UTC 9/24/2016 - Legal ID at TOH and into
network news, good during ID and soon lost again, on the North D-KAZ.
1400 KEYL Long Prairie, MN. - 1059 UTC 9/27/2016 - Pop-up OM ID out of the
noise: "Your home for....Minnesota, K-E-Y-L, Long Prairie" then lost again
after TOH, on the North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1450 WFMB Springfield, IL. - 0300 UTC 9/5/2016 - Poor in the GY mix, no
discernible calls but a clear "Sportsradio 14-50 and FM 107.1" mention
matching WFMB, on the South D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1480 WVOV Bridgeport, AL. - 0200 UTC 9/5/2016 - Very poor under dominating
WJBM with no sign of semi-local WGVU. Legal ID at TOH finally realized
under WJBM after a few times playing back the recording, during au cx on
the South D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1480 KAUS Austin, MN. - 1059 UTC 9/20/2016 - Weak with partial OM slogan
and solid call letters heard: "Mower County's Voice....K-A-U-S, Austin"
followed by FOX News at TOH, mostly alone on the North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1490 KXRA Alexandria, MN. - 1059 UTC 9/20/2016 - With live/local YL reading
weather and then into "K-X-R-A Alexandria" (with possible second callsign
given) and dot com website mention, poor and just above the GY roar, on the
1500 WQCR Alabaster, AL. - 0202 UTC 9/5/2016 - Over WLQV with SS music,
calls and "Juan" slogans, presumed still on day power, on South D-KAZ.
1620 KYIZ Renton, WA. - 0215 UTC 9/25/2016 - Fair signal despite t-storm
static with urban ac music with two songs easily // to their webstream, on
the North D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1580 WZKY Albemarle, NC. - 0343 UTC 9/3/206 - With CCR tune and other
oldies, several "W-Z-K-Y" & "AM stereo" mentions during fade-up and mention
of North Carolina during local weather forecast, on the South D-KAZ.
1700 WQEU865 Toledo, OH. - 2317 UTC 9/3/206 - With YL robo looped message:
"This is the travel time information station, provided by the Ohio
Department of Transportation. This message is current as of 7:15pm,
Saturday, September 3rd, 2016. For additional traffic information, please
go to www.ohgo.com" Careful listening also reveals what appears to be a
second identical station underneath repeating the same loop, however the
FCC only shows one ODT outlet on 1700. WQEU865 calls & Toledo mention given
at 2321 UTC. On the South D-KAZ. (TROMP-MI)
1215 Absolute Radio, UK - 0010+ UTC 9/24/2016 - Best TA of the night with a
fair and steady signal lasting for at least an hour with a great selection
of modern rock and alternative music from The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Tears
for Fears, Garbage, The Smiths, and even some Bob Marley at entertainment
level at times. Several "easy" IDs given and signal the best on the North
D-KAZ. Relog but good to hear them here again. (TROMP-MI)
Tim Tromp
West Michigan
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