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[IRCA] S. AZ TPs, Tuesday 9/20

Most time spent on LF (with some South Pacific beacons heard) with just a check at the end of MW, most signals about gone. All Asian.
Steve AA7U

near Sahuarita, AZ

R75; 140' west DKAZ + FLG-100 preamp

567 very poor. 1311 utc

594 very poor/poor 1324 utc

657 very poor/poor 1312 utc

666 very poor/poor 1313 utc

747 Japan very poor 1314 utc

774 Japan very poor 1315 utc

972 very poor 1317 utc

1206 China very poor 1318 utc (-40 Hz carrier)

1566 HLAZ weak 1329 utc

1575 very poor 1321 utc

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