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[IRCA] Alberta TPs for 4 September 2016

Another interesting morning for DUs. Very similar to yesterday, but a little bit better. This morning's audio, virtually all Australian:

576	unID			Bits of instrumental music at 1208
594	3WV	Horsham		Time pips, then very weak ABC news
				fanfare at 1200.
612	4QR	Brisbane	Talk by a man at 1157, //774.
				Better,	with talk by woman at 1221.
702	2BL	Sydney		Tough under CJLI splatter, but noted
				woman speaking at 1228.
729	5RN	Adelaide	Presumed the one with end of musical
				selection, then talk by woman at 1159.
774	3LO	Melbourne	Man talking at 1157.
792	4RN	Brisbane	ABC news by woman at 1202
828	3GI	Sale		Faint traces of talk at 1211
891	5AN	Adelaide	Talk by man at 1213, and noted ABC
				news fanfare at 1230.
936	4PB	Brisbane	Most likely the one with traces of
				talk by a man at 1218.
1035	Newstalk ZB	Wellington	Talk by a man.  Seemed English,
				so presumed New Zealand
1107	unID			Traces of audio at 1219
1116	4BC	Brisbane	Program promo mentioning "Brisbane's
				4BC" at 1218.
1548	4QD	Emerald		ABC news fanfare at 1200, then news
				by woman

Like yesterday, quite a few other carriers close to audio, in particular 531, 585, 747, 846, 855, 1026, and 1512. The action was again mainly on the lower end of the band, though the upper band had a bit more life than yesterday.

Nigel Pimblett
Dunmore, AB
Perseus SDR with Wellbrook Phased Array
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