--- Begin Message ---
- Subject: File size limit
- From: Phil Bytheway <phil_tekno@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2016 20:32:04 +0000 (UTC)
- Delivered-to: irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=yahoo.com; s=s2048; t=1473021125; bh=vuh6htZdDY2Wre6FTTYja5P/EZsK1W8ficAJ71fEmbg=; h=Date:From:Reply-To:To:In-Reply-To:References:Subject:From:Subject; b=FxWKxnCYHPzoHqnNK6ot40jczdTv/GL+ItEda3ltrgeWJpm3EQ3FNxOQxzi0xWfDPbG5d6eK0ByfSsoXZJKjiC88Ygbv9U+DWZ9DMCcglFOzcr0jAot/6qsi8s0/wplsUraNOcJM+m2yS24g8f10aoaSc8ElJNll2jJsu1ekbh5HiSYx0o2xSOSukw9ojiump7Bde+Etmeh0T8E8qBzKC32MePVaEbU4nIM5wzBarrNb1YIxB1PJ4GNbElBgfPfQcpglzwIgscCTdNoMGicvwkDCDizfhPJ/UyN4/RLVvYtaN7tvwsNGMtXY6MK8ft2s7kIUep0OHULpaRY+R+tUSg==
So far, I have not received any form of proposal regarding the file size limit.
If I were to get one, with an appropriate "new" limit, I would forward it to the IRCA Board of Directors for voting. Nor do I even know of the folks hosting our eGroup would be willing to make a change for us.
I personally, have no idea what sort of limit to suggest, but I would shy away from "unlimited".
Please someone, put something together or it will never happen.Ă‚Phil Bytheway
IRCA President
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