I know that many of you have your own personal web pages or other sites
upon which you can post audio clips of your dx catches. Many probably
do not, however. I was wondering last night if there would be need for
a webpage where people can post their clips to be heard by other dxers.
It would only be necessary to post a link to the web page.
If there is interest in this, I would be willing to create a dx audio
exchange on the Radio Veronica website. To ensure security of the
website and prevent virus propagation, it would be necessary to email me
the files as an attachment. I would scan the file for viruses, and
post it to the website with any notes on the file that you include
(date, time, station, equipment used, etc).
Does this sound like something people would be interested in, or do you
think it is even necessary? Let me know what you think.
This group is for the exchange of radio DX audio files, with an emphasis on difficult, unusual or otherwise interesting receptions of stations in the medium-wave and short-wave bands. A DXer wishing to join this group should first E-mail the moderator at charlesh3@xxxxxxx, and please explain who you are!
Nick Hall-Patch
Victoria, B.C.
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