Re: [IRCA] New X-Band Station on 1710khz?
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Re: [IRCA] New X-Band Station on 1710khz?

> There was a Catholic Argentine on 1620 for a time that was heard by
> several. I believe they ran 5KW. Some think it was unlicensed. I don't
> think it is there any longer. I did get a couple nice QSL letters in
> Spanish from them. This was back several years ago before our band
> filled up.
> 73s,
> Patrick
> Patrick Martin

Heard what I am sure was this one, on a buick car radio,
while driving down I-95 near Fayetteville NC about 2115
local time, 28 December 1997, being QRM'ed by PCH
data/cw from Holland. Man/woman in Spanish, slightly
watery/fluttery My best AM logging while mobile. This was
during exceptional CX as reported by others, and before
Atmore AL opened here.  PCH Schevenigen Radio is
gone off air, as well.  1620 was the highest freq the car's
receiver would tune to. It was snowing at the time, if that
made any difference but I doubt it.

- Bob

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