Re: [IRCA] Moving to Iowa
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Re: [IRCA] Moving to Iowa

Charles A Taylor wrote:

>              -------------
> Charles A & Leonor L Taylor
>  Greenville, North Carolina
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "The Kaskey Family" <kaskeyfamily@xxxxxxxxx>
> To: <ng0g@xxxxxxxx>; "Mailing list for the International Radio Club of
> America" <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:45 PM
> Subject: Re: [IRCA] Moving to Iowa
> >
> SNIP, SNIP, CUT, CUT, TRIM, [whew!]
> Summers are hot and sticky but not as bad as the San Joaquin Valley.
> Winters can get pretty chilly but livable.
> > You will definitely enjoy dx back there.
> Donnie, I think you told at least one whopper there and perhaps maybe also
> an untruth.
> First of all, in my part of the San Joaquin Valley, i.e. in Delano
> right-smack-dap on the county line between Kern
> and Tulare Counties, summers were hot, but hardly humid. Remember large
> portions of SJV are semi-arid.

---------Chaz!  I stand corrected.  That was an untruth.  I should know I lived in Sacramento for 10-15 years.  Sorry, after living in S.F. all these years hot is hot is hot.  When it hits 75
here we start b-ching.

> That's the possible untruth.
> Now for the whopper:
> Steven may very well freeze parts of his anatomy off in winters in Iowa. At
> least the US admitted North and
> South Dakota and Minnesota to the Union to buffer Iowa from the Arctic
> temperatures that Manitoba tries
> to export to its southern neighbors.

----------Again, I'm shamefaced.  Of course Iowa is one freezing iceball for 2 or 3 months but I didn't think it wise to tell Steve that until AFTER he made the move.  However the one truth I
did mention is that DX will be good (or at least better) there away from all the crap the big cities have.

> Steven will be forced to relearn English in order to DX in Iowa. Iowa has
> only a relatively few Mexican
> stations.

----------------An added burden I'll bet he hadn't considered.  Very true tho.  However there are a number of spanish language stations in East Central Nebraska if he gets lonesome for that
sorta thing.

> Welcome to the Midwest, Steven. I was born in LA, raised mostly in Indiana
> and Kentucky. Historically,
> midwesterners consider the Midwest one big cow pasture for culture, etc.,
> but between the South and
> the Midwest are the areas that constitute a backbone of American culture.
> Watch for cowpies and love
> it there.
> Charlie
> (a terribly confused mixture of California, Midwesterner and Southerner!)

---------Hey Charlie, good to hear from you again.  How you holding up?  I'm slowly falling operation after another (fortunately none as serious as yours-but annoying at any rate).
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln thought the play was superb!  dkk

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