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[HCDX] Radio Veritas Asia honours listener-turned-volunteer

May 29,2007
Radio Veritas Asia honours listener-turned-volunteer
BANGKOK (UCAN) -- Nelly Nicholas, the recipient of an award from 
Radio Veritas Asia (RVA), is coaching her daughter to follow in her 

Nicholas, 35, was awarded a certificate and a free trip to the Philippines 
in recognition of 27 years as a listener to RVA's Myanmar language 
service and as a volunteer working to help other listeners. Her 
daughter, Gloria Diana, just two-and-a-half years old, is listed by the 
Asian bishops' shortwave radio station as the "youngest listener of the 
Myanmar Service."

Nicholas received her award on May 25 at the RVA office in Quezon 
City, northeast of Manila, during a celebration of the Catholic Church's 
44th World Communications Day.

Because of her sacrifices and dedication to the Myanmar Service, 
Father Gabriel Htun Myint, former Myanmar Service coordinator, and 
Father Dominic Jo Du, present coordinator, paid for her air ticket to visit 
the Philippines.

Father Htun Myint, speaking to UCA News in Bangkok, said he greatly 
appreciates Nicholas' "perseverance and attachment to RVA," a radio 
station "she loves, cherishes and is dedicated to." He said they had 
arranged for her to visit during May and June to see how the radio 
station works.

According to the priest, Nicholas is helping make some programs 
alongside Marlar Thein Hto, one of the producers of the Myanmar 
Service, who herself celebrated 25 years of service in 2006.

"Being a radio lover, Nelly finds no difficulty speaking on the programs," 
Father Htun Myint said. "She is a natural."

Thein Hto said in an e-mail message: "I can't believe that once upon a 
time this little girl, who was my listener, is now sitting beside me 
recording some of my programs, such as Mail Box, Pen Pal, Health and 
Woman's Program."

She told UCA News that Nicholas started listening to the Myanmar 
Service in Yangon archdiocese when she was only 8. Her parents, who 
are Telugu by birth, but residing in Myanmar, introduced her to 
Myanmar radio programs to help her with the language. The Telugu are 
largely based in the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh.

Thein Hto explained: "She not only listened to our programs, she also 
wrote letters to me and I was very happy and surprised to read letters 
from an 8-year-old girl. She was so attached to Myanmar Service 
programs that when she was a teenager, she volunteered to work in 
our Yangon office, where she has been in charge of listener relations."

The producer said Nicholas sorts through letters and forwards useful 
articles for the service to use in programs. "She sacrifices her time and 
effort for us, so our listeners do not have to pay expensive postage fees 
in writing directly to Manila and we are able to receive more letters," 
Thein Hto added.

Nicholas was a volunteer with the Myanmar Service for more than 10 
years before she attended an RVA Radio Production Seminar in 
Yangon in 1995. Only in 1998 did she begin receiving a token 5,000 
kyat per month, the producer said. Kyat trade at a street rate of about 
1,000 to US$1.

According to Thein Hto, Nicholas has planted the seed of the next 
generation of listeners by introducing her daughter to the Myanmar 

RVA, run by the Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences, celebrated 
its 38th anniversary in April. It broadcasts in 17 languages and reaches 
much of Asia including parts of Central and West Asia. Myanmar 
Service broadcasts are produced in four languages -- the national 
Myanmar language, Kachin, Kayin and Zomi-Chin, a tribal language 
spoken in China, India and Myanmar.

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Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
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