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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs May 24-29

UT May 29 logs in this report are from another DXpedition to Meadowlake Park,
Enid, away from the household noise sources, using DX-398 on battery power
(down to only 3 marks on the meter), and reel-out antenna of a few meters to a
tree or light pole, while watching the geese and fish.

** ALBANIA [and non]. A problem, May 25: at 1300, R. Tirana was JBA on 13750,
but nothing at all from adjacent 13745 Rwanda which was audible last Friday.
Rechecking at 1319, I found a huge signal from RHC in Spanish on 13750!
Normally they are on 13680 at this hour, but nothing there. Kept monitoring and
at 1339 RHC suddenly vanished from 13750 and appeared on 13680, so apparently
just a mistake (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ANTARCTICA [and non]. May 28 at 1834 I found an audible het between ANU
15475 and a carrier on 15476, which must be LRA36. ANU was pretty weak, but
some audio; at 1900 sharp after a timecheck in French for 1900, modulation
ceased, and carrier off a semiminute later, after the typical power/frequency
oscillation for a few seconds. I could then still detect the 15476 carrier by
itself with BFO, but no audio and did not improve later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** ARGENTINA. RAE further off-frequency than usual, judging from the het
against Morocco and Spain which as usual produce only a sub-audible het of a
few Hz against each other on 15345.0; May 28 at 1837 I put RAE at about
15343.4, no audio detected (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CHAD. Unlike previous nights, the extremely distorted transmission was very
strong here May 24 around 0506; it was on the high side of 7290 but could not
find a specific carrier to measure. QRMing Portuguese on 7290 which could be
heard by off-tuning to low side. In fact, 7292v was the strongest signal on
41m, 7100-7300! As K-index was 5 (at 0600), and usual European signals were
barely audible; even BBC Ascension 7160 was much weaker. I think there is
little doubt this is the same one which was on 7312v earlier, and re-identified
as Chad in Martien Groot`s report in DXLD 7-060 (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING

Solar-terrestrial indices for 23 May follow. Solar flux 70 and mid-latitude
A-index 37. The mid-latitude K-index at 0600 UTC on 24 May was 5 (82 nT). Space
weather for the past 24 hours has been moderate. Geomagnetic storms reaching
the G2 level occurred. Space weather for the next 24 hours is expected to be
minor. Geomagnetic storms reaching the G1 level are expected (SEC via DXLD)

** CHAD. The extremely distorted transmission is still there, noted May 27 at
0522 around 7292v; easier to pick it out with BFO on when the band is noisy

** CHINA. Firedrake against Sound of Hope, May 29 at 0021 on 13970, F-G; not
audible on 10300, 9200 or 18160, but also found on // 15150 at 0035, the latter
about evenly mixed with Chinese talk, which would be VOA via Thailand rather
than SOH at this hour (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. The Dentro-Cuban Jamming Command continues to mess up frequencies
other than those they are targeting, and do they care? Of course not! May 29 at
0022 I found jamming pulsing away harmonically on 18090, which is 3 x 6030
against R. Martí. I also heard very weak audio on 18000, but could not be sure
it was // RHC 6000 or the other station it was colliding with on the
fundamental. Then at 0024 found on 17730 exactly the same jamming pulses as on
18060, but here spreading to 17725, bothering WYFR in Portuguese, and to 17735.
This is what we tend to call ``bubble jamming`` but without the tones since
there is no carrier to beat against. 18090 is common, but never heard 17730
before, which is 3 x 5910 against R. República via Germany, and it was also
heavily jammed on the fundamental. BTW, RHC on 17705 with music in Spanish had
a good signal. At 0052 I heard similar pulses on 6235 but can`t pin this on
Cuba as mixing products of 49mb jamming and/or broadcast transmitters. At 0109,
heard 12060 pulses, the second harmonic of 6030 to go along with the third on
18090 (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ALBANIA

** EGYPT [and non]. On an evening DXpedition in the park, one must check for
the CVC Chile mixing products on 12275 and 11360, from the Spanish frequencies
11665 and 11970 leapfrogging each other. May 29 at 0110, however, those mixes
were not audible; the fundamentals were of good strength but not overpowering
as on previous occasion, so perhaps not strong enough to bring along the mixes
with them, assuming CVC has done nothing to suppress them --- if they have,
they have not notified me. 

However, looking for 12275 led me to find something just as interesting on
12270 at 0131: a weak signal with poor audio cutting in and out, Spanish? Then
checked 6135 and found the same thing, with breaks for music at same time as I
switched back and forth on single DX-398 receiver, but could not be absolutely
positive the two were parallel. My first guess was Romania, but I made it to
the home rigs before 0200 and checked again; At 0157, 6135 was // 7270 in
Spanish with better audio, so Radio Cairo as scheduled, but an echo apart. 6135
stayed on past 0200 for timesignal and theme, finally cut off at 0201:30 as
7270 continued to introduce English to North America with program summary in
local time of UT+3 concluding at 6:30 am. The summary was at times drowned out
by the `background` music, a very familiar theme which I think came from 48
Hours or an early Eddie Murphy movie. This was followed by a rap piece based on
Super-Freak, both of which are to say the least unIslamic if not unEgyptian.
There was another timesignal preceding the 0215 news, and I noticed it was
about 9 seconds slow! I also tried 9360 before 0200, where there was a fairly
good carrier, but could not hear any audio to match.

6135 is scheduled from R. Cairo only for the Spanish broadcast to Central
America at 0045-0200, from the Abis site;
7270 is for both the 0045-0200 Spanish, and 0200-0330 English, also from the
Abis site, per EiBi; so why the echo? I thought that would indicate one of them
was from Abu Zaabal.

Would harmonic 12270 be propagating at this late hour? Yes: 12050 fundamental
in Arabic was putting in a strong signal at 0131 but awfully distorted as usual

** JAPAN. Russian on 11970 at 1849 May 28, fair signal, would have to be NHK
Warido, direct from Japan and far, far, offbeam here; also had them at 1855 in
Japanese on 9835 but much weaker on the Hawaiian/South American service (Glenn

** OKLAHOMA. WBBZ, 1230, Ponca City, is still IDing as ``AM stereo``, as heard
0121 UT May 29  (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TAIWAN. Checking out an unID by Jim Ronda and Mark Taylor, I was monitoring
9735 May 28 from 1325 tune-in; poor signal with YL talking continuously; from
the cadence and occasional recognizable word, I decided it was Japanese rather
than Korean; 1329 brief musical break, and more of same; 1339 a bit of music
and then two lower-pitched voices speaking, but fading into the noise; recheck
at 1359 found no carrier, and nothing else on frequency audible at 1400 either.
Then I checked e-mail and found that Ron Howard had IDed it as R. Taiwan
International, // 7129.9; and Sei-ichi Hasegawa of NDXC explains that RTI is
testing this frequency instead of 11605 at 11-14 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** THAILAND. BBCWS in English, 17615, May 29 at 0029 with ID, lite flutter but
listenable, but then cut off in mid-word at 0029:30. Transmission on this
frequency is for only half an hour (minus half a minute). BBCWS English has
more and more of these brief transmissions, in accordance with their
hit-and-miss policy of SW coverage (Glenn Hauser, MLPDX, OK, DX LISTENING

** U S A. Some sporadic-E was obviously happening, as WWCR 15825 was in well,
but no activity on 15 meters. Nevertheless, I tried 10 meters and heard some
SSB hams from Ohio and Minnesota, the latter working Austin TX, which I could
not hear. Then at 1903 UT May 28, I found a beacon on 28284, E E E DE KC9GNK/B
EN53. Googled him up and found this: http://www.freewebs.com/kc9gnkbeacon/ so
QTH is Wisconsin Dells WI, and exact frequency 28283.6, 40 watts. Wants e-mail
reports from anyone hearing it, but no e-mail address given (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** U S A. WRMI`s switch from 7385 to 9955 during the 0000 UT hour weeknights in
order to broadcast La Voz de la Fundación hasn`t happened yet; UT May 29 at
0038 still found English on 7385, which would be WRN carrying Slovakia; and
also still at 0107 with preacher which would be Christian Media Network (Glenn

** U S A. KJES heard in passing on May 28, at 1840 on 15385 when I was working
on the 15380 het; and also May 29 at 0108 on 7555 with guitar and vocal hymn

** U S A. IBAC hiss from KFAB-1110 Omaha was blocking 1100, and KMOX-1120 St
Louis, May 29 at 0121 check; and also at 0123 IBAC hiss from WHO-1040 Des
Moines was blocking whatever was on 1030 and 1050. However, by 0128 both had
apparently been turned off, and e.g. XEG-1050 Monterrey was in the clear. No
other IBAC signals were heard in a quick scan of the MW band, and
KOA-840-850-860 had not yet infaded.

At 0122 I also found matching carriers on 1083 and 977 kHz, no audio
detectable, but stronger than a nostalgia station on 1030, the likely
fundamental halfway between, 53 kHz apart. Would really like to know which
station is responsible. Around 0156 on the home rig, the spurs were gone (Glenn

** U S A. Here`s a daytimer which doesn`t skimp on its sign-off announcement,
KJIM, 1500, Sherman TX. UT May 29 at 0114 said would be back at 6 am with CBS
news, and ``best songs and memories of the radio``, then ``Thanks for the
Memories`` but not the Bob Hope version. Nice reception at peaks. Played the
song thru to end so did not pull plug until 0117* after ``Night, all``; also

** VENEZUELA [non]. At 1405 UT Sunday May 27, checking out the RHC and RNV
relay frequencies, I found there were three different programs, the odd one out
being 11875 which had music not // to either of the other networks. Then at
1408 it switched to // 13680 et al. for RNV, actually during Mundo Siete, as
RHC had announced a few minutes earlier that there would not be an Aló
Presidente show per se, but some other Venezuelan relay of an inscription
ceremony (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5897.5 seemed to be the center peak tho there were multiple
carriers/constant pitched tones, which when combined were pulsating every few
seconds with a recurring higher pitch. I could not detect by ear any variation
which would indicate any intelligence was being conveyed. I suspect this is the
Cuban spy-numbers/letters transmitter often heard around 5900 with more
conventional modulation. This was at 0518 May 24, and litely QRMing WWCR 5890.
Off when rechecked about a semihour later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. During Rai`s transmission on 15380 to NAm, May 28 at 1838, I
found a low het on the low side, about 15379.8. Rechecked at 1903, Rai was
still on with chirps, but no het. Can`t find anything else that is supposed to
be on 15380 at this hour; could be a spur from some other 19 mb transmitter

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