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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs November 16-17

** ALBANIA. R. Tirana, Nov 16 English to NAm at 2115 inaudible on 9915, maybe
off for antenna repairs? Or not propagating, but // 7430 to Europe was coming
in well, so we are still covered with lower winter MUFs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** ARGENTINA. RAE, 15344.6, Friday Nov 16 at 2253 in what must be DX program in
Spanish, feature about the BBC, and missionary station in Congo DR whose name
sounded like Radio Pacis, really Kahuzi? M&W alternate reading each sentence of
script. Then some DX tips credited to Arnaldo Slaen and Conexión Digital, Cairo
6290, Rusia 6240, DW Sines 15275, Zambia 4965; outro at 2258 says it was
Suplemento de Actualidad DX, written by Gabriel Iván Barrera; 2259 into next
program, Conociendo la Argentina. Tho off-frequency as usual, there was nothing
on 15345 at this hour to het RAE.

Last info I had was that this DX program aired Fridays at 2315, evidently moved
forward to 2250 or so; also supposed to be on 11710, 6060, not heard or
checked. May mean that the original Actualidad DX on Tuesdays is also at 2250
instead of 2315. How about the morning airing I have on the calendar at 1220?

** CUBA [non]. Have not yet reconfirmed FueraCuban R. República`s exact
schedule via UK(?) relays for B-07, as the only way to do that is via
monitoring, but Nov 16 at 2237 check, 6135 was quite strong, atop DentroCuban
jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CYPRUS [non]. Looking for CyBC`s weekend-only external service in Greek,
Friday Nov 16 at 2241 on 6180, good signal with Greek music, or so I thought;
but nothing audible on // 9760, not propagating? Nor 7210. Still going on 6180
past 2245, however, and soon became clear it was RN Amazônia instead when the
Greek-sounding music had Portuguese lyrix! And then a Portuguese announcement.
Bryan Alexander had it figured out in DXLD 7-135. Perhaps CyBC needs to rethink
its frequency selexion (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** ETHIOPIA [and non]. Another check of the jamming situation against Deutsche
Welle Amharic service, Nov 16: propagation not so good today vs my high local
noise level, and at 1420 nothing audible on 11645 or 15640, which were
originally the frequencies for this service. The day before I had an unID on
15660, and this turns out in fact to be the latest frequency for the DW Amharic
service. At 1420 there was a report about Somalia, as mentioned frequently
along with Washington, and clips in American English into voice-over
translation. Was still not sure of its identity but at 1432 ``Yih Deutsche
Welle Radio`` ID and theme, so it is DW and it is Amharic. 

15640 had been Trincomalee, and only the jamming against it was audible here
previously, but the 15660 signal does not have trans-polar characteristics, and
DW has indeed switched site as well as frequency, now Rwanda, as reception was
fair with no polar flutter. And NO jamming audible --- until 1441 when a
slightly unstable carrier came on about 15663 and very slowly began drifting
downwards. 1444 another DW ID and theme on 15660. 1451 the interfering carrier
was receding back upwards from zero-beat to 15661+. 

While it was annoying, it never prevented one from hearing what DW was saying,
and understanding it if one spoke Amharic. No sign here of the several other
jamming modes. DW off at usual 1457* after frequency announcement (I wonder if
that had been updated or was deliberately misleading, as jammed services cannot
be blamed for doing). The other carrier stayed on a minute or so, then was gone

Then checking other reports, Noel Green in England made the same ID of 15660,
but assumed it was Trinco ex-15640 and he was still hearing // 11645. Chris
Greenway in England says that Ethiopian Review reports that Ethiopia is also
jamming VOA Amharic since Nov 12. Wolfgang Büschel observes that the only
country likely to provide such sensitive equipment to Ethiopia would be China.

>From the color-coded VOA website Nov 16, HOA language schedules, subject to
jamming, to be checked:

Somali   daily 1600-1630 UTC 1431 13580 15620 
         daily 1630-1800 UTC 13580 15620 
Afan Oromo M-F 1730-1800 UTC 9320 9860 11675 11905 13870 
Amharic  daily 1800-1900 UTC 9320 9860 11675 11905 13870 
Tigrigna   M-F 1900-1930 UTC 9320 9860 11675 11905 13870

One of the comments following the Ethiopian Review article, which also blames
China for the jamming equipment, says that FEBA `Seychelles` to Ethiopia is
also being jammed. Language(s) not specified, but here is their B-07 schedule
to that worldpart, via Alokesh Gupta as archived at bclnews.it:

1530-1545 smtwtfs AMHARIC  12125 25 MEY 
1545-1600 smtwtfs MAKONDE  12125 25 MEY 
1600-1630 smtwtfs AFAR     11875 25 KIG 
1600-1630 s...tfs AMHARIC  12125 25 MEY 
1600-1630 .mtw... GURAGENA 12125 25 MEY 
1630-1700 smtwtfs AMHARIC  12125 25 MEY 
1630-1700 smtw... TIGRINYA  9850 31 DHA 
1630-1700 ....tfs AMHARIC   9850 31 DHA 
1700-1730 smtwtfs OROMINYA  6180 49 DHA 
1700-1730 smtwtfs SOMALI    9850 31 KIG 
1730-1757 smtwtfs TIGRINYA  9850 31 KIG 

Further checking Nov 17 of the jamming situation with DW`s Amharic service at

At 1403 tuned in 15660 to find heavy adjacent splash from WHRA 15665. This is
in HFCC as daily, and on WHR website as Mon-Sat, but it certainly was not there
on Thu or Fri during this hour! On 15660 I could hear presumably DW and no
conventional jamming but there seemed to be another broadcast station mixing
with it. This was more certain at 1430 when one was in talk, the other in
music, with a fast SAH between them.

Meanwhile, there was continuous hash/noise jamming on 15640-15645 and also on
11645. 15660 for the DW Amharic service appears via Rwanda to be in addition to
rather than replacing another frequency, so I guess it is still on 15640 Trinco
and 11645 Kigali, altho all I can hear is noise jamming on those frequencies.
Yogesh in Hong Kong was still hearing DW on 15640 Nov 16 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** GREECE. Macedonian Radio Station, 7450 via Avlis, Nov 16 at 2132 with a
couple of clear IDs by W, as ``Radiophonikós Stathmós Makedonías``. Better
signal than VOG 7475, and the latter was also undermodulated (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** ROMANIA [and non]. Weak signal in English on 6115, Nov 16 at 2147, which per
schedules would be Romania; but also continuous noise interference, jamming or
DRM? Could not really decide which, they are so much alike. But nothing on
schedules likely to be jammed, tho Taldom, Russia is on DRM centered on 6105 at
this time, which should be too far away to bother as this was centered on 6115.
Oh! It`s Romania with its own defective roaring transmitter, I bet, self-QRMing

** SUDAN [non]. SSIRI, 15675 via South Africa, Sat Nov 17 at 1406 with English
lessons, punxuated by tones or drums; this is Tue/Thu/Sat only. Nothing audible
on 15390 which may have similar if not // programming from a further site

** SWEDEN [non]. 7120, Nov 16 at 2140, a talk in English frequently mentioning
Sweden. Yes, this is R. Sweden as scheduled at 2130 via Madagascar, 280
degrees. Fair signal and modulation different from what we get on 15240 (Glenn

** U S A. The Worldwide Beacon of Hope is a piece of junk, to put it politely.
Nov 16 at 2235 found 5920 signal with distorted undermodulation, furthermore
audio cutting off about 8 times per second. Fortunately, fundamentally, WBOH
has nothing sensible to say (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [non]. On 7140, Nov 16 at 2238, station in Chinese talking about Mei
Guo; VOA Mandarin is scheduled during this hour only, via Udorn, Thailand at 30
degrees, so also aiming at NAm; over Firedrake co-channel jamming by the Chicom
who do their best to prevent the Chinese people from hearing what America has
to say to them, quite the contrary of CRI`s multiple unimpeded English
broadcasts via nearby relay sites to USA.

On 15150, Nov 16 at 2254 tone test on weak open carrier; 2300 rechecked, VOA
opening news in English, polar flutter. This is 349 degrees from Tinang,
Philippines, only until 2400.

VOA Kurdish, 17750 via Morocco, Nov 17 at 1415 with nice Kurdish music, vocal
solo with plucked instrument; 1422 giving E-mail, phone number, 1423 mentioned
Spiderman 3, 1424 voanews.com/kurdish, 1425 into country music in English,
quite a contrast to the earlier music. Most days, WYFR 17760 overshadows this,
but not today. Another service likely to be harder for us in USA to hear once
Briech is closed next March (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. VR, 5885, very good signal Nov 16 at 2235 with bells of St.
Peter`s. Recheck after 2300, playing classical and semi-classical music. 2309
it was there, recheck at 2310 it was gone; moving transmitter to 9600? Tuned
there but XEYU and its het were both too weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. WYFR, 9495 in Spanish at 0615 November 17 had QRM from big
continuous noise around 9500, maybe like a low-rate DRM. Whatever, should be no
such noise inside the 31m band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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