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[HCDX] Somalia: more stations silenced (3 items )

Somali forces shut two more radio stations
Tue Nov 13, 2007 7:15 AM EST
By Aweys Yusuf

MOGADISHU (Reuters) - Somali government forces battling Islamist-led 
insurgents ordered two more radio stations off the air on Tuesday, as a U.N. 
envoy said the latest fighting had made the country's humanitarian crisis the 
worst in Africa.

Authorities in the Horn of Africa nation often accuse local broadcasters of 
supporting the rebels. On Monday they shut down Shabelle Radio for the 
eighth time this year. Then on Tuesday, heavily armed troops raided Simba 
Radio and Radio Banadir.

"They terrorized the employees ... All the reporters panicked and ran when 
they saw the guns," Radio Banadir's deputy director, Ali Muhamed Aden, 
told Reuters.

Mustafa Haji, the chief editor at Simba Radio, said an officer told him the 
order taking them off air would apply to all independent stations operating in 
the capital Mogadishu.

Rampant insecurity keeps most foreign correspondents out of Somalia, so 
locals are left to report on an insurgency that is targeting the interim 
government and its Ethiopian allies.

Speaking after meeting aid workers in neighboring Kenya, the U.N. special 
envoy to Somalia, Ahmedou Ould Abdallah, said he could see no reason to 
close a radio or newspaper.

"They (the media) are helping people to help themselves. I think it is 
something to be avoided at all costs," he said.


The latest effort by Ethiopian forces seeking to crush the rebels in 
Mogadishu has triggered fighting that has killed at least 70 people and 
driven tens of thousands from their homes.

Hundreds of thousands have fled the city so far this year due to earlier 
battles, and Abdallah said Somalia's humanitarian crisis was now "the worst 
in Africa," including Sudan.

"It has been like that since the start of the year, and the fighting of recent 
days has only made it worse."

The U.N. envoy called on Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf to ensure that a 
new prime minister would help "open up the system to people who do not 
agree, to be more inclusive."

Former Premier Ali Mohamed Gedi resigned last month after months of 
feuding with Yusuf. His successor is yet to be named.

The Somali president gave no clues during a visit to Nairobi on Tuesday, but 
said reports that Gedi was trying to re-open talks between them rang hollow.

"If he is proposing any dialogue now, why didn't he do it during his three 
years in office? It doesn't have credibility."

Yusuf told reporters he would talk to any Somali or Somali group not 
designated as terrorists, including members of an opposition alliance 
founded in September in Asmara, Eritrea.

"If they still want to solve this through political means, we are still willing to 
talk to them," he said.

He blamed the latest fighting on groups wanting to "score political points," 
and called on residents to resist them.

"They could become vigilantes, they could confront it."

(Additional reporting by Andrew Cawthorne and Bryson Hull in Nairobi; 
Writing by Daniel Wallis; Editing by Giles Elgood)

Somalia govt shuts down two more Mogadishu radio stations
13 Nov 13, 2007 - 6:56:19 AM

MOGADISHU, Somalia Nov 13 (Garowe Online) - Government troops in 
Somalia raided two independent radio broadcasters in the country's capital 
Mogadishu on Tuesday, following yesterday's raid on Radio Shabelle.

Mohamed Shiil, deputy director of Radio Simba, confirmed to Garowe Online 
that soldiers entered the premises of the radio station near Mogadishu's 
Bakara market and ordered employees to go home.

"We [employees] were ordered to go home and to not return," Shiil said.

Another independent Mogadishu station, Radio Banadir, was also raided 
and ordered to go off the air. A Radio Banadir spokesman said authorities 
accused the radio of "inciting the public" following an interview Monday night.

Mogadishu Mayor Mohamed "Dheere" Omar held a press conference today 
saying both stations have conducted interviews aimed at inciting the public 
against the government and its operations.

Mogadishu's municipal government believes these local radio stations 
spread false news and exaggerate reporting on ongoing fighting and 
refugees in Mogadishu.


Two Somali radio stations silenced  	 	
Dozens of civilians have been killed
in recent fighting[AFP]
Somali government forces have stormed two radio stations in Mogadishu 
and ordered them off the air, drawing protests from press freedom groups.

Workers fled Radio Banadir and Simba Radio when heavily-armed troops 
entered their compound on Tuesday.
Mustafa Haji, chief editor of Simba Radio, said: "They said the order to close 
the radio station will affect all independent stations in Mogadishu."

Ali Muhamed Aden, deputy director of Radio Banadir, said: "They terrorised 
the employees ... All the reporters panicked and ran."
On Monday, authorities in the turbulent Horn of Africa nation shut down 
Shabelle Radio and briefly detained two of its senior staff.

Shabelle said on its website that it had received no explanation for its 
closure or been told how long it would last. It said it was the eighth time this 
year that the government had shut it down.

"There has been pressure, intimidation and death threats to the journalists 
from the government and other people," it said.

Eight local reporters have been killed while doing their jobs in Somalia this 

Presidential appeal

While the government has closed many independent radio stations, 
Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, the Somali president, called on Mogadishu 
residents to support him in the fight against hardline Muslim fighters.

"My government is doing all it can to save the lives of the Somali people, but 
insurgents are responsible for the continued violence," Yusuf told a press 
conference in Nairobi.

"People in neighbourhoods must also fight the Shabab [armed wing of the 
main Somali Islamist movement] and chase them away. Otherwise they are 
the ones who suffer in crackdowns," he said.

Dozens of civilians have been killed and at least 114,000 displaced from 
Mogadishu in recent weeks.

The recent clashes have worsened the humanitarian crisis that has dogged 
the nation for 16 years, with areas just outside the city  struggling to cope 
with the latest influx of displaced people.

Aid workers have said that those who have remained in the the most 
conflict-ridden areas of Mogadishu were beyond the reach of relief agencies 
and face dire conditions.

Worsening conditions

Pedram Yazdi of the International Committee of the Red Cross, based in 
Nairobi, told Al Jazeera: "I spent several days in the two main hospitals in 
Mogadishu ... receiving a lot of wounded.

"Women and children have been caught up in the fighting in the southern 
part of Mogadishu, so the situation is quite bad.

"The surgeons are working all day and all night to keep the wounded alive. 
The injured people mainly have chest wounds and head wounds from bullets 
and shrapnel.

"Having more than 300 wounded in three weeks shows the level of violence 
in Mogadishu.

              Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
    email:  greekdx_@xxxxxxxxxx  web: www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima:  ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102-3,Tecsun PL200 , 
                    Chibo C300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
       Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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