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[HCDX] Popular Radio Station Silenced, NUSOJ Strongly Protests

National Union of Somali Journalists (Mogadishu)

12 November 2007
Posted to the web 12 November 2007

The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) is gravely concerned 
about the growing press freedom crisis in Somalia following today's (12 
November 2007) shutting down of Radio Shabelle, a popular Radio Station 
in Mogadishu, by the Security Forces of the Transitional Federal 
Government of Somalia.

Around 11:30am Mogadishu time, heavily armed security forces operating in 
Bakara Market forcefully entered the premises of the Radio Station and 
ordered all staff to come down from their building, according to the 
management of the Radio. The security forces, subsequently, commanded 
the Radio Director Ja'far Kuukay and head of its Programmes Abdirahman 
Yusuf, publicly known Al-Adala, to go with them. Although Shabelle staff 
were released, they were informed by the commander of the army that their 
station is closed, Chairperson of Shabelle Radio Abdimalik Yusuf told 
NUSOJ. The radio station, immediately, went off air as ordered.

The security forces of the Transitional Federal Government did not cite the 
reasons behind their closure. But the Radio Shabelle journalists believe that 
their professional and independent stance caused the closure.

"We denounce this illegal action from security forces which silenced today 
Radio Shabelle" said Omar Faruk Osman, NUSOJ Secretary General. "We 
appeal to Transitional Government to allow Radio Shabelle to resume its 
operations because of the important community service function it performs 
in serving the news and information needs of the people".

Radio Shabelle and its journalists experienced gross violations of their 
professional freedoms and rights, according to the records of the National 
Union of Somali Journalists. Apart from continuous threats and terror acts 
against its employees, its acting Chairperson Bashir Nur Gedi was recently 
assassinated at his home in Mogadishu.

"Somalia became the worst country for press freedom and security of 
journalists in Africa and the second most dangerous place for journalists in 
the world after Iraq, because political groups do not like the Somali media's 
role of disseminating useful, impartial and objective information to the public" 
Omar Faruk added.

"Since this is blatant violation of international law that severely restricts the 
Somali people's access to information, an internationally-recognized human 
right, we call upon the international community to immediately intervene and 
end ongoing grave violations of press freedom" Omar said. "We again 
inform the Transitional Federal Government that it has international 
obligation to protect and respect journalists by allowing them to freely seek, 
receive, and impart information without fear of their safety'. 
              Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
    email:  greekdx_@xxxxxxxxxx  web: www.geocities.com/zliangas 
Pesawat penerima:  ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102-3,Tecsun PL200 , 
                    Chibo C300/c979, Yupi 7000 , 
       Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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