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[HCDX] SW tips from Italy

I went with Dario Monferini some days to Bocca di Magra, province of La
Spezia in North Italy. Here is our BOC 7 SW log:

date: 19 january - 23 january 2007
RX: AOR 7030, RFSpace sdr-14, CiaoRadio H101
ANT: Wellbrook LFL 1010

khz - day - time UTC - station - details

2325 20+21/01 2039-2110 ABC Tennant Creek, Australia, in // 2485 khz.

2485 19+20/01 2100-2110 ABC Katherine, Australia, better on 20 jan., good
also with Degen 1103

3200 19+22/01 1924-2024 TWR Swaziland, religious talks in English fair/good

3230 19+20+22/01 1929-2035 Family Radio, South Africa, English program.

3255 19+20+22/01 1950-2040 BBC Relay, South Africa, in English fair/good

3266,4 20+21/01 *2100-2130 RRI Gorontalo, Indonesia, better in USB better,
is, id, s/on poor/fair

3273,6 20/1 2035-2045 unid Greek pirate, H 1624,5 x 2, bad audio. fair/good

3320 19+20/01 2030-2100 SABC, South Africa. fair/good

3330 20+21/01 0410-0535 CHU, Ottawa, Canada, pips time signal, id EE & FF

3335 20...22/01 2015-2106 Radio East Sepik, Papua New Guinea, id 2059, news
in English at 2100 poor/fair

3345 19...22/01 2030-2120 Channel Africa, South Africa, in English, good

3390 19+22/01 2038-2045 BBC relay, South Africa fair

3396 19....22/01 2010-2245 ZBC Zimbabwe, Afro pop, vernacular talks,

3810 22/01 0710-0714 Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada, Guayaquil,
Ecuador, pips, id SS poor/fair

3905 19/01 2025-2030 unid, USB, utility presumed in arab, talks fair -
occorre attenzione per non fare confusione con la Papua

3905 21/01 2039-2054 R New Ireland, Papua New Guinea, 2039-2050 in // 3335
khz Local program 2051 id. poor/fair

3925 20+21/01 *2056-2120 Radio Nikkei, Tokyo, Japan, s. on, is, id repeated
for 3 minutes. id, news fair/good

4319 USB 19+20+22/01 1950-2310 AFN, tx Diego Garcia, report news in EE.

4605 20/01 2132-2145 RRI Serui, Indonesia, local news 2132 poor/fair boc7

4770 19+20/01 1800-1900 FRCN Kaduna, Nigeria, in EE fair

4777 20+21/01 0515-0545 R.TV Gabonaise, Afro pop, FF, fair/good

4780 19...22/01 0410-0516;1700-1906 R.TV Djibouti, phone calls, raggae mx

4790 20+22/01 2120-2140 RRI Fak Fak, Indonesia, regional news 2130.

4835 19+20+22/01 *2130-2205 ABC Alice Springs, Australia, s/on, id, nxs EE
//4910, 5025 fair /good

4870 20/01 2119-2124 RRI Wamena (tent.), Indonesia, music. poor/ fair

4873,5v 19/01 2022-2045 unid Greek pirate, H 1624,5 x 3. be carefull ! poor/

4874,6 20+22/01 2125-2140 RRI Sorong, Indonesia, local news 2130, id poor/

4885 19...23/01 2120...0715 R. Clube do Para, Belem, Brasil, one of the few
signals from Brasil! poor/fair

4895 21/01 2232-2302 Mongolian radio, home service, in //4830 khz. fai/good

4925 19/01 2159-2207 RRI Jambi, Indonesia, nx RRI National sce. 2200

4950 19/01 1952-1955 R. Nacional Angola, Portugues talks. fair/good

4965 19...22/01 1830-2120 The Christian Voice, Zambia, religious EE gospel
songs. fair/good boc7

4976 19/01 1910-1940 R Uganda, Kampala, vernacular progr. fair/good boc7

4985 21/01 2122-2155 R Brasil Central, Goiania, Brazil, fade out 2155.
poor/fair boc7

5005 22/01 2245-2255 R Nacional Bata, Equatorial Guinea, in ss, audio
muffled fair/good boc7

5025 20...22/01 2005-2045 R. Parakou, Benin. in FF fair/good

5025 19...23/01 2255...0815 R. Rebelde, Cuba, "la emisora de la revolucion".

5026 19+20/01 1845-2003 R Uganda, Kampala English service, afro pop.
poor/good boc7

5030 19...22/01 1840-2305; 0705-0713 R. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in
French. poor/good

5066,3 20+21/01 0430-0515 La Voix du Peuple (R. Candip), Bunia, Congo. id
French, nxs 0500. fair/good

5100 21/01 0410-0430 Radio Bana, Eritrea, Vernacular talks. poor/fair

5470 22/01 2030-2045 R. Veritas Liberia, talks in English poor/fair

5770 lsb 21/01 1455-1500 Myanmar Defences Forces, talks in burmese poor/fair

5964,9 19/01 1420-1435 RTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Suara Islam fm + after
1430 QRM China in Korean 5965 kHz. fair

6000 21/01 1425-1429 City Sound, Singapore, Mandarin program. talks. good

6010,1 20/01 0809-0814 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Colombia, palabras de Dios.

6049,6 19/01 1425-1435 RTM Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, syik fm program + PBS
Tibet China QRM 6050 khz ( //7385 khz) fair/good

6055 19+20/01 2025-2050 R Rwanda, afro pop, dj in Swahili, phone calls. good

6185 20/01 0805-0810 R.Educacion, Mexico, Vatican Radio s/off at 0804.

6220 19...22/01 1900-0105 Mystery Radio, Italian pirate, ids jingles, pop
electronic mx. fair/good

6458 20+22/01 2040-2330 R. National Saharaui, problems with Utility marine.

6485,9 18+19/01 1934-0000* R. National Saharaui, in Arab then in Spanish
2315, free channel, but moved to 6458 khz. fair/v.good

6973 19...22/01 1555-2205 Galei Zahal, Israel, // 1287 kHz. News & songs.

7185 19+20/01 1415-1630 R. Bangladesh, in hindi, with QRM CBS Taiwan in
Mandarin. fair/good

7235 19+20/01 1415-1510 R. Warna, Singapore, Malay service, web url, id yl.

7270 19/01 1420-1433 RTM Kuching, Malaysia, in Iban, popular songs.

9610 21/01 *1000-1030 AWR Italy, tx Julich, Germany, Italian dx program
"Studio Dx" nr.186, with Scaglione good

9704,15 20/01 1755-1805 R. Ethiopia, home service, talks vernac. live
chanting. fair/good

9705 20/01 1645-2000 la voix du sahel, niger, news in french & vernacular.

11735 20/01 1615-1640 R Tanzania, Zanzibar, id, news, local program, in
Swahili. good

11860 19+20/01 1500-1538 RRI Jakarta, Indonesia, National program, pop music

We observed very poor conditions towards south america on SW bands. the
reason may be the prolongued very low solar activity, always standing below
80 solar flux value. Better signals from asia and africa.

Giampiero Bernardini
Milano Italy

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