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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 15

** CHINA. Firedrake, weak on 9850 with some other music mixing, Oct 15 at 2005.
Per Aoki, this is against VOA Chinese via Tinian. Say, how come CRI gets to
broadcast to the USA in English unimpeded via several non-Communist and one
Communist relay site, and we can`t get a word in edgewise to China without
their trying to block it, and rather successfully? The concept of fair play is
unknown to the ChiCom in this and countless other fields (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** COSTA RICA. The spurs from REE Cariari 17850, Monday Oct 15 at 1953 were
found on 18104.9 and 17595.1. This time the higher one was slightly stronger,
and each had only one carrier instead of two; 17595 direct from Spain is
already off by then on weekdays. Our first report of 18105 was on Sept 26 from
David Ross, Ont., so this has been going on for at least three weeks. When will
REE notice and/or do something about them? It may take continued pressure from
ham intruder watchers, even tho REE is also QRMing itself. Duh! (Glenn Hauser,

** CUBA. After blocking Tirana on Sunday Oct 15 at 1300 on 13750, RHC was back
to `normal` on Monday Oct 16 at 1317: nothing on 13750 (but Monday is Tirana`s
day off!), and RHC back on 13680 where it is supposed to be; also on weaker //
13760 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CUBA. Ran across cut numbers in CW (not MCW?) on 9353.0, Monday Oct 15 at
1400. The May-June 2007 ENIGMA 2000 schedule of Cuban number transmissions, the
latest available, does have 9353 on the grid, but only on Sundays at 0700 as a
primary transmission on MCW (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** INDONESIA. VOI, which was all messed up with the 4-syllable audio loop on
Oct 14, was missing from 9525 when checked at the same time Oct 15, 1357 (Glenn

** NEW ZEALAND. Oct 15 at 1335 found RNZI on 5950 instead of 6095 during
Mailbox. They`ve changed schedule yet again on an odd date. After Bryan Clark`s
DX news about Micronesia --- calls it Pónape rather than Pohnpei; isn`t Ponape
no longer P.C.? --- Vanuatu, Myanmar and CFVP, including clips of PMA and RFA
(check the audio ondemand), Adrian Sainsbury explained that RNZI has been off
the air a lot the last few weeks to repair antenna damage. This can only be
done in the local daytime and when weather is good. Something about the antenna
being 17(?) meters high, requiring the usage of an expensive huge crane. 

For some reason they decided because of this they should go ahead and start the
summer transmission schedule now instead of waiting until Oct 28. He gave the
schedule but I could not copy all the numbers due to static crashes from
slow-moving storms in eastern OK. Despite appearances, the website schedule has
been updated, even tho it is still dated effective August 24! Viz., as we have
fixed it up:

24 Aug 2007 - 28 Oct 2007 
   UTC     kHz                 Target  Azimuth 
0459-0758  9615 AM &  9890 DRM Pacific 0°  
0759-1058  5950 AM &  7145 DRM Pacific 0°  
1059-1258  9655 AM &  7145 DRM NW Pac, Bougainville, PNG, Timor 325°   
1300-1550  5950 AM    [no DRM] Pacific 0° 
1551-1750  5950 AM &  7145 DRM NE Pac, Fiji, Samoa, Cook Is 35°  
1751-1935  9615 AM &  9890 DRM NE Pac, Tonga, Fiji, Samoa, Cook 35°  
1936-1950  9615 AM & 11675 DRM Tonga, Fiji, Niue 35°  
1951-2358 17675 AM & 15720 DRM Vanuatu, Solomon Islands 325°  
2359-0458 17675 AM & 15720 DRM Pacific 0° 

Note the individual island target areas they are now specifying, altho surely
coverage is still much broader as usual. One wonders what they mean by ``NE
Pacific``, the quadrant east of dateline and north of equator? Where there are
hardly any islands except Hawaii, surely not an authorized target? Or is this a
sneaky way of referring to west coast North America? (Glenn Hauser, DX

** RUSSIA. When I started monitoring at 1319 Oct 15, the huge dirty spur blob
from VOR today was centered on 15750, main victims this time being Sweden 15735
and Israel 15760, as it extended at least from 15730 to 15765. Once again this
is the Hindi service supposed to be on 15550, where there was nothing audible,
and // 15605 before 1400. Recheck at 1405, the splatter ranged at least from
15700 to 15765; 1447 recheck, still going.

Elsewhere: a separate problem on 15510, which is VOR via Samara to Afghanistan:
Oct 15 at 1324 there was buzz in the background on this transmitter; much
weaker than 15750, and 15510 was still intelligible if one understood Pashto or
Dari (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAO TOME [and non]. VOA French on 9830, Oct 15 at 2009 with heavy RTTY QRM.
I guess this is no problem in WAf target area, but around here 9830 is almost
constantly occupied by RTTY, whence? And broadcasters would do well to avoid
it. Much better reception of VOA French, also Pinheira, on 15730, a few minutes
later at 2019 playing ``All that junk, in the trunk`` by Blackeyed Peas. How
does this advance US foreign policy? Or American culture? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** UKRAINE. Re DXLD 7-124, 7440 to NAm off the air: rechecked Oct 15, the
website now says:

``#23.00-04.00 7,440 41 Lviv North America
#00.00-01.00 7,440
#03.00-04.00 7,440
Notes: # The transmissions has been temporarily stopped``

So some hope remains that it will return, tho from B-07, 7530 has been planned
instead, English one hour later (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Despite my report of Oct 12 in DXLD 7-124, R. Martí via Delano,
13820, STILL/again? with audio cutting out irregularly every few seconds,
usually only a syllable at a time, but most distracting and still impairs
intelligibility, at 2005 Oct 15; still the same at 2045 when slight fades
allowed jamming to be detected underneath. I will not repeat my commentary on
that situation here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBCQ operator told me he played WORLD OF RADIO at 0300 UT Monday Oct
15 on 9330; and it started late at 0420 on 7415. Had not been on 9330-CLSB for
some weeks despite nominal scheduling then, and who knows what will happen next
week (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** VATICAN. 9645, Oct 15 at 2015 with muffled audio, interview with heavy
accent I finally decided was African English, difficult for me to understand.
This raises a vexing question for me: since many different native languages
must have influenced accents by those speaking English on that continent, is
there any such thing as a single identifiable ``African English`` dialect? And
if not, do different Africans have as much trouble understanding each other`s
English as I do? And if there is a mutually intelligible African English
dialect, how could it have arisen given the diverse backgrounds of colonial
subjects? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENITFIED. 15600, tone tests of many different pitches from just above
subaudible, to just below audio pass limit of my receiver/ears, like a hearing
test, off abruptly at 1328* Was only fair strength. In Aoki, the only broadcast
scheduled at this time is unlikely for this:
15600 CHINA RADIO INTER. 1230-1327 1234567 Malaysian 100 175 Kunming CHN 10250E
2510N CRI a07 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

UNIDENTIFIED. 15810, continuous 1 kHz tone test Oct 15 at 1406. Only station
scheduled at any time on 15810 is R. Cairo in Indonesian at 1230-1400, so
perhaps the same source for some reason following that broadcast (Glenn Hauser,

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