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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 30

** ARGENTINA [and non]. REE claims to have used 15345 many years, and since RAE
doesn`t go to HFCC, tough. This is nonsense. I happen to have HFCC B-04 on
file, and guess what: No Spain registered for 15345, but ARGENTINA WAS, at that

15345 1200 1400 6-13 BUE 100 35 12345 311004 270305 D Spanish ARG RAE 
15345 1800 2400 27,28,37 BUE 100 35 1234567 311004 270305 D EnFrGerSpa 

In A-05, neither Spain nor Argentina showed on 15345, just Morocco, etc. Since
RAE`s usage doesn`t change perceptibly from season to season or year to year,
all they had to do was renew the old registrations, but they dropped the ball.
The above also displays the lamentable bureaucratic mentality reigning at too
many stations: if it`s not on paper, it doesn`t exist (Glenn Hauser, DX

** GABON. Afropop music jammer, March 30 at 1343 was on 17637.0 (not 17637.5),
flanked by weaker carriers on 17635.0 and 17640.0, perhaps Sawt al-Amal (Glenn

** INDONESIA. VOI back on 9525.0 (not 9526), March 30 at 1354 with John
Denverish music, 1359 NA and off, but SAH, overlapping with CRI in Russian,
same as last A-season (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** RUSSIA. Re DXLD 7-038: Nuevas Frecuencias de La Voz de Rusia
Para América Central
De 0000 a 0100 : 9830 y 9665 
De 0100 a 0200 : solo por 9830 
Hacia Sudamérica
De 0000 a 0100 : 12010, 11510, 7330 y 7300 
De 0200 a 0300 : 12010, 11510, 9945, 7330 y 7300 
Saludos cordiales, Francisco Rodríguez, FRECUENCIA RM, LA VOZ DE RUSIA (via
José Elías Díaz Gómez, Venezuela, Noticias DX via DXLD)

Even tho DST is not a factor in SAm, the B-season 0200 hour in Spanish normally
moves to 0100, same time as to CAm. Is 0200-0300 above a mistake? March 28 at
0100 and 0200 I could not hear VOR on any of the 0100 or 0200 listed
frequencies, altho there was something very weak on 11510 at the earlier hour.
This was prompted by trying to get the correct time and frequencies for the DX
program Frecuencia RM, which has been during the second hour in the winter on
UT Wednesdays. So is it now both at 0120 and 0220? Going to the new VOR Spanish
website I can`t find ANY frequency schedule linked, altho one is prominently
linked on the new English page (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SWEDEN [non]. It`s always, or at least often, something to mess up the R.
Sweden relay via Sackville. On 15240 March 30 at 1330 just as the English
broadcast was starting the modulation ceased and we had dead air until 1337
when a courtesy announcement in Swedish and English came on about technical
difficulties, then music fill. I listened for a few minutes and gave up until
1349 recheck when programming was back, but seemingly from the beginning with
news and weather, 1351 opening Inside Sweden, about Swedish involvement in the
slave trade, which I could swear I heard earlier this week, so it may be an old
program grabbed in an emergency; it was still in progress when rudely cut off
at 1359*. BTW, this frequency also suffered from periodic rapidly chirping data
burst QRM. Meanwhile, no such problems with the neighboring CRI relay on 15260,
except it had ACI from China itself on 15265, no doubt jamming Taiwan, same as
last A-season (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** TURKEY. VOT audible on 15450, March 30 at 1320 already wrapping up
transmission with multilingual IDs, into several minutes of IS (Glenn Hauser,

** U K [non]. Finally, BBC A07 for Caribbean in English: 

(Harry van Vugt, Windsor, Ontario, Canada, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.:

1100 1200 Daily  9660, 9480  
2100 2200 Daily 11675, 13640  
2200 2300 Daily 13640, 5975

So they have deleted yet another hour, 12-13 UT! 9660 and 13640 are WHRI, 9480
and 5975 Guiana French, 11675 Greenville (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 1352,

** U S A. VOA Greenville is now scheduled with Special English on 6000, UT
Tue-Sat 0130-0200 at 174 degrees. You`d think everyone, especially IBB, would
know by now that Habana makes extensive use of 6000, but it`s not in HFCC, so
it doesn`t exist! (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1352, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Private U.S. Shortwave Stations A07 Schedules. 
Hello Glenn: Above Skeds were posted by FCC today, Mar. 29/07. Regards from
(Thomas Moyer, Ontario, Canada, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Viz.:


Including Oregon vapor station KTMI still pending:
 9820 0700 1100 KTMI 50 309 35 1234567 250307 281007 
 9845 0200 0400 KTMI 50 130 10 1234567 250307 281007 
11570 0100 0500 KTMI 50 70 3 1234567 250307 281007 

** U S A. WYFR via WINB: Harold Camping on 13570, March 30 at 1349; sounds OK
on AM, but flip on the BFO and you hear the carrier wobbling (Glenn Hauser, OK,

** VATICAN [non]. Vatican R. via Sackville on 6100 is still colliding with R.
República from secret location. UT March 30 at 0230, VR IS and French could be
heard starting up, well underneath RR and jamming. Surely one of them will be
moving soon, most likely Vatican.

BTW, Joe Hanlon points out that there is another new VR relay via Sackville, on
9610 at 0030-0230 in Portuguese and Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

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