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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 27-28

** CANADA. See CUBA [non]; VATICAN [non]

** CUBA [non]. Prompted by Yimber Gaviria`s observations, I checked out R.
República, UT March 28. Some changes have been made concerning the top-secret
VTC relays via Rampisham, UK, which are withheld from HFCC.

At 0020 UT, 6155 ex-6185 was already being jammed, but just in case, some
jammers were still running on 6185. After 0200 they were jamming something in
Spanish, presumably poor XEPPM. Cubans vs Mexicans!

At 0021, RR via RMI via Germany 5910 was free of jamming, which was still on
the vacated 5970. 5910 seemed to be // or almost // 6155, but with one receiver
in hand could not be certain.

At 0158, I tuned to 6100 to confirm Yimber`s report that RR was now opening
this frequency at 0200 instead of 0300. Yes, but collides with RCI in Mandarin
which runs until 0205; fast SAH between them. At least this rules out Sackville
as the current site for RR on 6100; I suppose it`s back to Rampisham for
summer. Recheck at 0232 found French mixing with RR on 6100! At first I thought
the French was another RCI broadcast, but instead it is a new relay via
Sackville of Vatican Radio at 0230-0400 in French, English presumably at 0250,
and Spanish, in exchange for RCI transmissions via Sta Maria di Galeria. O yes,
Cuban heavy jamming on 6100 thruout, vs. Canada and Catholix as well.

At 0202, RR via RMI via Sackville on 9735 was loud and clear, no jamming
audible, but some was still on vacated 9630, and now that`s hitting REE Costa
Rica // Spain 9620. Cuban commie collateral damage by jamming spreads wider and
wider against countries it ought to try to befriend (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** VATICAN [non]. R. Vaticana has a new relay via Sackville, on 6100 at
0230-0400, 100 kW, 240 degrees daily in French, English and Spanish. Heard in
French at 0230, March 27 as I was checking out R. República, with which this
collides, along with the jamming. Way to go. Catholix vs Commies again! (Glenn

** VENEZUELA [non]. RNV CI relay via Cuba, 11705, March 27 at 1240 caught my
ear, since it was partly in English. A YL was consecutively translating Chávez
(who else??) talking about ethanol. Then at 1242-1246 Contacto con los
Diexistas, brief acknowledgments of reports, first from Torre-someone in Oslo,
who heard them on 1310 kHz at 0215; then Eike in Finland, at 1057 on 6180; then
someone in Hiroshima who heard 13680 at 2259, but the audio was cutting out
during this. Gave the age of each writer. Then explained very briefly what
SINPO stands for, and UTC, ex-GTM [sic], e-mail address once as
canalinternacionalrnv@ something.com; there was a continuous music bed, some of
it very bassy but well-reproduced; 1247 back to Chávez propaganda. Contacto was
obviously the very same program reported in DXLD 7-037 on March 18 also
mentioning 1310 kHz. Per WRTH 2007, R. Nacional has regional outlets in
Barcelona and Guri on 1310, so I seriously doubt it was the Canal Internacional
that Torre heard, so why are they acknowledging it here? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

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