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[HCDX] Early Morning Logs

Peru, 5939.43, Radio Melodia, 0815-0825  With a weak signal, noted a person is
Spanish comments.  Too much splatter to copy even 30 percent.  Signal was 
threshold.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Peru, 6019.489, Radio Victoria, 0825-0835  Noted a man in religious type Spanish comments.  Again signal was weak, but no other stations up on 6020 at this time.
(Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Indonesia, 4605, RRI Serui, 0900-0910  Noted music for a few minutes until a male 
comments in Indonesian language.  Signal was poor.  A followup check at 1120 showed that the signal was fair and much more audible.(Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Brazil, 4865.03, Radio Florestas,(pres) *1032-1045  Noted Interval type signal for a minute, then at 1033 male in Brazilian comments.  Didn't have signal tuned in well enough yet to hear details.  Following a minute of comments, music for rest of period.  Signal remained poor.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Indonesia, 4790, RRI Fak Fak, 0905-0915  Noted music until 0909 when female comments in Indonesian Language.  Signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Russia, 5960, Radio Tikhy Okean, 0937-0945 Tuned in a few minutes late for opening, but caught a male in Russian Language news during initial few minutes.
Stay here until the hour when station ceased sked.  Signal was fair.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Bolivia, 4716.7, Radio Yura, 1000-1015 Noted a male and female in Spanish comments during the period.  Signal was fair with noise.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar. 1015-1025  Typical Islamic type singing and reciting together by male.  Believe I heard the religious terms mentioned every once in awhile.  Signal was fair.  A followup at 1123 indicated about the same signal strength. (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Peru, 4857.5, Radio La Hora, 1020-1030 Noted a male in Spanish comments during the period.  Music presented at 1030.  Signal was really weak and only audible above the noise periodically.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Papua New Guinea, 3315.10, Radio Manus, 1100-1110  Noted a person in English 
comments.  Signal was threshold and fading out periodically.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Papua New Guinea, 3335, Radio East Sepik, 1103-1110,  Comments from
a male.  Very noisy band this morning and signal was poor.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Unident, 3385, Radio ??? 1107-1115  Noted singing with comments from a female.  This sounded too much like an Indonesian, but the PPWBR says that
Kupang is Inactive on this freq presently. I don't know how accurate that is?
Anyway, caught this station here with singing and comments.  Could catch any
good details due to noise.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

China, 4460, Central People's Broadcasting Station, 1117-1130  With a female in Chinese comments, the signal was at a poor level.  No other activity observed.  (Chuck Bolland, March 21, 2007)

Clewiston, Florida
"Wringing out the band"

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