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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 13-14

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Solh continues to play that catchy theme tune without
fail every day at 1451-1457 UT on 15265. In A-07 this transmission from
Rampisham makes the usual switch to 17700 and expands to 1200-1800, so we`ll
see if the same music keeps running on that frequency (Glenn Hauser, March 14,

** ANTARCTICA. Checking for LRA36, March 14 at 1910, I was only able to detect
a carrier on 15476 (not 15475), occasionally reaching S4 above the local S3
noise level, but this marks another day it was evidently on the air (Glenn

** CUBA. Closing Despertar con Cuba, March 14 at 1400 on 9550, Manolo de la
Rosa mentioned that it starts at 1100 UT = 7 am hora de verano de Cuba, thus
confirming that they indeed are already on DST like the USA. RHC sensibly keeps
its SW programming on UT without shifting, which means Manolo & Co. have to get
up an hour later in the morning during DST (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** CUBA. Spy letters in groups of 5 substituting for numbers, March 14 at 1407
on 11764 CW, i.e. A1, not A2 or A3. Rather weak. Now maybe we know why RHC has
been missing from 11760 in the mornings. I usually file these under
UNIDENTIFIED but whom are we kidding? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GERMANY [non]. DW loud and clear here on 15275 in English news at 1902 March
14, despite being 142 degrees from Sines per HFCC, and only a semihour
broadcast now, roughly off the back (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MOROCCO [and non]. Re Spain`s A-07 schedule showing 15345 to the Lebanon,
until 2200 UT, which is 92 degrees from Noblejas, replacing the current
transmission until 2300 on 12045:

El problema es que Argentina no participa en HFCC, así es que aunque en la
frecuencia de 15345 durante muchas sesquidécadas, no lo saben los gerentes de
frecuencias en HFCC, que no se molestan a encender sus radios ni consultar
fuentes no-oficiales del diexismo, ni Pasaporte, por ejemplo. 

The problem is that Argentina does not participate in HFCC, so that altho it
has been on 15345 for many sesquidecades, the HFCC frequency managers, who do
not bother to turn on their radios, nor consult unofficial DX sources, nor
Passport, for example, do not know this.

Aún peor, ni Marruecos participa en HFCC (excepto la multitud de emisiones por
parte de IBB, Estados Unidos). En realidad, Marruecos ya está en choque con
Argentina durante la tarde europea, y acabo de anotar en 15345 sus emisiones en
árabe a las 1903 del 14 de marzo, con hererodino argentino, siempre fuera de
frecuencia, pero no bastante para evitar este choque por tres partidos en vez
de dos en la temporada A-07.

Even worse, Morocco does not participate in HFCC either (except for the
multitude of broadcasts on behalf of IBB, USA). In reality, Morocco is already
colliding with Argentina during the European evening, and I have just noted
15345 in Arabic at 1903 on March 14, along with the Argentine heterodyne, which
is always off-frequency, but not far enough to avoid this three-way, instead of
two-way collision in the A-07 season.

¡Qué maravilla tenemos en el mundo de manejar frecuencias sin enterarse de la

What a marvel we have in the world of frequency management without knowing what
is really happening!

It`s really incredible that HFCC is so incestuous and/or mired in bureaucracy
that they do not put out any effort to develop at least a supplementary
schedule of occupied frequencies, from entities not officially participating!
It would clearly be in their own self-interest to do so (Glenn Hauser, DX

** SOUTH AFRICA. Channel Africa, March 13 at 0517 on 7240 with ID giving
frequency as 9620! --- which does not take over until 0700 per WRTH, then news
of Zimbabwe, mistreatment of the opposition by Mugabe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. Power Hower, March 14 at 1328 on KAIJ 9480 was lamenting that their
affiliate R. Free Austin is down in that city and also in Dallas; hope they can
get back on the air. Then into 9/11 conspiracy nonsense. So Power Hower
condones illegal pirate broadcasting. RFA was also the source of RBN (and GCN?)
programming on the OKC 107.1 pirate (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. VOA in French, March 14 at 1912 on 17580 with a big long-path echo.
Big, because this is Greenville per EiBi (not in original HFCC B-06), so long
path is some 38 megameters, since short path is only two, one of my best
terrestrial DX catches, strictly speaking. It`s aimed east toward Africa but
also with the usual back-radiation, which however at the moment was not strong
enough to override the signal coming the long way around (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

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