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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 27

** ALBANIA. Further chex of R. Tirana`s new 13 MHz daytime broadcasts to NAm,
April 27: at 1300 on 13750, signal a bit weaker than before S9+10 with deep
fades into local TVI swish. Seemed to be playing same program as monitored in
detail Thursday at 1300, which was a replay of Wednesday at 2000, i.e. press
review about Minister of Foreign Affairs resigning, playing ``Hear My Plea``
song again; 1320 Focus on Albania. The 2000 broadcast April 27 on 13720 was too
far down in the noise to monitor (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SPAIN [and non]. You never know which station in the three-way collision on
15345 will be dominating. April 27 at 1924 check it was Castilian Spanish atop
a rapid SAH, so that`s REE. Meanwhile, nothing audible on 15330, 15335, 15340,
15350 or 15355 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A [and non]. Thru an intermediary we hear that WHR has refused to move
off 7335, maintaining that CHU is a secondary service (despite the fact it has
occupied that frequency for a great many years). From the WHR website here are
some of the programs occupying 7335. LeSEA produxions and IRN `news` are not
included. You might want to try complaining to the programmers, who may not yet
be aware that their voices are blasting away Canada`s only timesignal station.
(Or maybe of more concern to them, their voices are being interfered with by

 UT           EDT
0600 Su    0200 0230 AM Call to Worship -- Bernie Timmerman 
0600 Mo-Fr 0200 0215 AM Truth Light and Life -- Daniel Rodes 
0615 Mo-Fr 0215 0230 AM Midnight Cry -- C. Parker Thomas 
0630 Su    0230 0300 AM Prayerline Presents -- Patty Ellis 
0645 Mo-Fr 0245 0300 AM Voice of Praise -- Kenneth Ivey 
0700 Sa    0300 0330 AM Day of Decision -- Paul Groman 
0730 Sa    0330 0400 AM Prayerline Presents -- Patty Ellis 
0800 Su    0400 0430 AM Desencadenados! -- Pacific Garden Mission 
0830 Su    0430 0445 AM La Biblia Dice 
0845 Su    0445 0500 AM Enfoque A la Familia -- James Dobson 
0900 Tu-Sa 0500 0600 AM TruNews -- Rick Wiles 
0900 Su    0500 0515 AM Abundant Life (Span.) David & Isabelle Dawson

Linx to program websites: http://www.whr.org/index.cfm/fa/links

Let me remind you that altho WHRI is presently using 7335 only at 0600-1100,
they are registered for it 24 hours a day! Help head this off now. You could
also complain to the FCC, which could order WHRI off 7335. They have ordered
other private US SW stations off many other frequencies where there were no
audible collisions. Try this: tom.lucey @ fcc.gov (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** U S A. KAIJ 9480, noted back on the air after power outage, at 1845 check
April 27 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. Answering my own question about KJES, April 27 at 1922 I was able to
hear a very weak signal in Spanish on 15385, obscured by a much stronger WEWN
on 15390, currently scheduled 17-20, 40 degrees in English to Europe. Not a
good idea to find your 50 kW station 5 kHz away from 500 kW WEWN, whatever the
target differences. Spain also uses 15385 at certain hours, but not at this
time; only KJES is in HFCC, or in FCC:

15385 1900 2000 KJES 50 270 55,58,59 1234567 250307 281007 
15385 2000 2100 KJES 50 100 11       1234567 250307 281007

BTW, WEWN`s online sked at http://www.ewtn.org/radio/freq.htm STILL has them on
imaginary 5010 at 0000-0500 in English to Europe (Glenn Hauser, April 27, DX

** ZIMBABWE [non]. SW Radio Africa again inaudible on any of the 25m
frequencies, April 27 at 1920 check. Am beginning to think the first day of the
expanded service, April 18, when I heard it on 12035 and even better on 11975,
was a lucky anomaly. But 11975 is probably not on the air again, yet (Glenn

UNIDENTIFIED. Another check of the extremely distorted spur(?) April 27: this
time it was centered a little higher around 7314, making it easier to separate
from RN Flevo in Dutch on 7310.0, but if tuned to 7312 or so one could hear the
variable squeal of the spur beating against Flevo. Tuned in at 0459 and it was
already on with repetitive music, 0504 French talk, and no anthem(?) as heard
the day before, then music. 0517 another talk segment, a monolog. 0528 music
and change announcer to what seemed like a commercial, political? mentioning
``partie``. 0529 into a drumming session for a few minutes, and when rechecked
at 0535 a speech was being broadcast in very proper French. This was a little
clearer, and a native speaker might be able to make something of it. I was
listening for clues, and thought I heard ``Afrique Centrale`` and ``Bangui``
mentioned. 0552 choral music; 0557 7310 switched to DW IS with stronger signal
than Flevo and more of a QRM problem to the spur. Still going at 0612 when my
tape ran out. Monitoring during the 05-06 hour over the weekend may not be
possible here since WHRI is scheduled to use 7315 at 03-06 ``Sat & Sun``
instead of 5835 during this time period, but I`m not certain whether they
really mean UT Sun & Mon. Europeans may well hear this at other times, such as
until blocked at 1730 as Jari Savolainen, Finland told me (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

UNIDENTIFIED. The carrier-oscillating jammer (?) was again heard on 9735v,
April 27 at 1357, bothering BBC Singapore 9740 unless one tuned to the high
side of it. No other signal detectable on 9735 for it to be jamming (Glenn

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