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[HCDX] Three Mogadishu Radio Stations Authorised to Resume Operations

 Somalia:Three Mogadishu Radio Stations Authorised to Resume 
10 Jun 10, 2007 - 5:29:40 PM

Mogadishu-based Radio Stations of Shabelle Media Network, Radio 
Voice of Holy Quran and Horn Afrik Radio has been authorised to 
resume operations today by the Transitional Federal Government after 
decree ordering their closure signed by Minister of Information Madobe 
Nunow Mohammed was delivered to each of the three stations on 6 
June 2007.

Following negotiations between media managers and the Ministry of 
Information along with appeals and mounting pressures from National 
Union of Somali Journalists, National Media Council and International 
Community, the Minister of Information cleared the media institutions to 
resume operations.

The three FM stations restarted airing news and programmes in the 
mid day.

"We are happy to resume operations and serve the public," said 
Abdimalik Yusuf Mohamoud, Managing Director of Shabelle Media 
Network. "Especially I give thanks to NUSOJ, IFJ, RSF, CPJ and the 
U.S. Ambassador Michael Ranneberger for the needed advocacy, 
solidarity and support they provided us", Abdimalik added.

"We welcome the authorisation given to the radio stations to resume 
broadcasting," said Omar Faruk Osman, Secretary General of the 
National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ). "We appreciate the 
TFG leadership's understanding of the appeals made on this case, and 
we reiterate that media freedom and freedom of expression in general 
are important pillars for peace-building efforts, transitional 
democratisation process and successful reconciliation".

Closed Somali radio stations back on air

Three independent Mogadishu-based broadcasters which Somalia's 
transitional government ordered closed last week were back on air 
Sunday after four days of closure.

Reports reaching here said Information Minister Modobe Nunow 
allowed the three radio stations-- Shabelle, HornAfrik and Radio of the 
Holy Quran--to resume their operations following a meeting between 
him and broadcasters.

"We (the government officials) had discussions with the administrators 
of the three stations and agreed on key principal points including first 
the broadcasts should be allowed back on air and second rectify the 
mistakes being attributed to these stations," Nunow told reporters in 

The Wednesday's closure of the independent radio stations had elicited 
condemnation from media press watchdogs accusing the transitional 
government of silencing the media in the Horn of African nation.

The government had also issued a one-day closure order against the 
stations in January this year.

Somalia descended into chaos in 1991, when warlords ousted longtime 
dictator Mohamed Siad Barre and then fought one another.

The government was formed in 2004 with the help of the United 
Nations, but it has struggled to assert any real authority.

The administration, with the crucial aid of neighboring Ethiopia, ousted 
Islamic radicals who had ruled Mogadishu and much of southern 
Somali for six months last year.

But insurgents linked to the group have vowed to launch an Iraq- style 
guerrilla war until the country becomes an Islamic state.

Source: Xinhua 

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