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....made last weekend  26-28.5.7 with Lowe HF 150 connected with a 
small wire to a metallic mesh 1.5 x 2 sqm

LATVIA 9290  R Casablanca - Germanic music 1135 + OM nearly 
spelling in German CD R minus C  etc Liangas LItohoron 26.5.7

CHINA 9690 CNR8 1414 news  in Uighur 33433 Liangas Litohoron 

cland 7390 Open radio 1429 a funny version melody from Carmen , talk  
in Korean ,mentioning 'opera'1434  mention  about Julia Roberts and 
song 'must be love' ,34433 Liangas Litohoron 26.5.7

MSIA 15295 VoM 1650 with Malay pop song  then national anthem and 
Arabic song Liangas LItohoron 26.5.7

pirate 6310 1716 with pop songs  and signal 35433 Left 1740Liangas 
LItohoron 26.5.7

INDIA? 6045 AIR? 1748  with Bollywood songs 32432 Liangas 
LItohoron 26.5.7

INDONESIA? 11785 RRI? 1037 with news , mentioning Malaysia  etc  
33443 with slow talks Liangas LItohoron 27.5.7

ITALY? 9510 IRRS??? 1044 United News and Info , OM mentioning  
address in 92399 Pasadena California , uninewss.com  1046 'we are 
going back to IRRS , then a program Inspiration life
Liangas Litohoron 27.5.7

NIGER? 9704  with hilife songs on 1057  Poor Liangas Litohoron 27.5.7

JAPAN 9750 NHK 1058  theatre play style program . Poor Liangas 
Litohoron 27.5.7

[KOREA ] 9485 Shiokaze 1300 tones , then talks . Quite noisy 
background from lightnings at 241x2 better at 1315 . At 1327 with some 
opera style
R Free Chosun 1349 with same [poor]signal and talks by OM and YL in 
koran , best on AM-narrow Liangas Litohoron 27.5.7

CHINA 18160 firedrake  1320+ good signal and clear .Also 14500 fair- 
good with little co channel QRM  ,  13970 fair signal Liangas Litohoron 

SRI LANKA 11905  SLBC Colombo 1334 with old Hindi songs[50s-60s] 
with sort song ID before or after it. Good signal but RDP Portugal on 
1400 wipes out it Liangas Litohoron 27.5.7

UAE 15215 Gospel for Asia [Atme Yatraa ] 1343 in a Hindi language , 
sermons ending with amen . fast song after, ID Atme Yatra and 
address Liangas Litohoron 27.5.7

cland 7390 Open radio  1400 start with opera , ID as 'Yoido [or oniro ] 
Kangg ....inida' with a violin play  and trumpet. Theme about Italia on 
1422 Heard also the Carmen play  with guitar as in Shiokaze .... 
Liangas Litohoron 27.5.7

UAE  9705 WYFR 1409  with talks in a Hindi language wiping out 
Niger's signal 44444 Liangas Litohoron 27.5.7  >> from Eibi WYFR in 

MSIA? 15295 VoM? 1430  a org in Chinese heard xinwen jiemo [news 
prg ] then with news . At ca 1437 with a theme in Italy , an old waltz 
stylesong , then held ona speech . At ca 1458 stopped transmission 
Liangas Litohoron 27.5.7  >>>EiBi lists R Canada in Chinese 

DHABAYA 17700 Solh 1440 with mixture of Hindi [bollywood] and 
afghan pop  songs 45534 . ON 28th  there was no signal [?] Liangas 
Litohoron 27.5.7

CHINA  11885 cNR8 1058 with Uighur  , songs . ID Merkz Helk [CNR] 
at 1100 then into news Liangas Litohoron 28.5.7

PHILS 12095 FEBC 11xx  talks in a bamar dialect  44344 Liangas 
Litohoron 28.5.7

ABKHAZIA 9495  .....1134 talks by man in Russian , mentioning also 
BLR . A Russian hip hop . recheck on 1140  but closed Liangas 
Litohoron 28.5.7

UKRAINE 11550 RUK English program with Ukrainian songs' don't 
marry this ' on 1144 preceded and followed by some info . Prg ended 
on 1200 with Russian .Ukrainian org follows past 1200  34333 Liangas 
Litohoron 28.5.7

http://zlgr.multiply.com (raidio monitoring site plus audio clips )
http://www.worldisround.com/articles/302315/ (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachgr    pictures upload 
on my main : www.geocities.com/zliangas 
-tty-px.html : test of various TTY programs
-ethics.htm    : greek ethics , days and institutions 
-frape.htm: the greek way of cofee !!! 
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece 
greekdx @ otenet dot gr  ---  
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000 
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop 

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