Subject: Re: [HCDX] [DXplorer] [bdxc-news] Republic of Yemen Radio -
11935 kHz on Tue March 11 at 12.50 UT in Doha Qatar and Kuwait Kiwi ham operator club amateurish SDRs SAUDI ARABIA 11934.894 kHz measured remotedly on Perseus SDR unit in Doha Qatar ME target at 12.50 UT, Monday March 11, S=9+20dB signal and some 120 Hertz BUZZ audio covered the channel from 11931.9 kHz – 25 x strings on lower sideband, 16 x buzz tone strings on upper side flank up 11936.82 kHz frequency range. Audio buzzy TONE like a lot of FENCE strings seen every 120 Hertz apart distance each sideband though. I guess this one faulty TX unit -- one tx of at least 9 -- nine high power SW txs available at Riyadh bcast center in Saudi Arabia. CO-CHANNEL t o o BUT today at 12 - 13 UT co-channel USAGM RFA Tibetan sce from Kuwait relay site; 4 main strings seen: Yemen Excile / RFA Tibetan / and two CHN mainland jammer / : 11934.770 kHz 1st CNR1 China mainland jammer 11934.894 kHz odd fqy of Yemen excile Radio of Riyadh-ARS site outlet 11935even KWT USAGM RFA Tibetan sce towards Xizang* Zìzhìqū autionomous region Lhasa Tibet target area in western China mainland 11923.010 kHz 2nd CNR1 China mainland jammer Xīzàng Zìzhìqū autionomous region * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:CN vy73 de wolfie df5sx topnews wwdxc SAUDI ARABIA 11934.894 kHz measured remotedly on Perseus SDR unit in Doha Qatar ME target at 10.22 UT, March 10, S=9+20dB signal and some 120 Hertz BUZZ audio covered the channel from 11931.9 kHz – 25 x strings on lower sideband, 16 x buzz tone strings on upper side flank up 11936.82 kHz frequency range.
Audio buzzy TONE like a lot of FENCE strings seen every 120 Hertz apart distance each sideband though. I guess this one faulty TX unit -- one tx of at least 9 -- nine high power SW txs available at Riyadh bcast center in Saudi Arabia. vy73 de wolfie df5sx topnews wwdxc -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: df5sx.p11_t.online.de Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2025 9:21 PM To: bdxc-news@groups.io ; _ DXplorer ; HCDX ; _ WOR Subject: Re: [HCDX] [DXplorer] [bdxc-news] Republic of Yemen Radio - 11935 kHz
2nd check a half hour later showed an accompanied low frq audio TONE like a lot of FENCE strings seen every 120 Hertz apart distance each sideband though. I guess this one faulty TX unit -- of at least 9 -- nine high power SW txs available at Riyadh bcast center in Saudi Arabia. 73 wolfie -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Wolfgang Bueschel Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2025 To: bdxc-news@groups.io ; _ DXplorer ; HCDX ; _ WOR Subject: Re: [DXplorer] [bdxc-news] Republic of Yemen Radio - 11935 kHz SAUDI ARABIA 11934.895 kHz measured remotedly on various Perseus SDR_net units at 19.50 UT Sunday March 9, S=9+20dB in WeEurope, Greece and Doha Qatar ME. But MUCH CLEAN AUDIO TXION at this hour slot, SORRY -- no any transmitter fault could be stated so far / though. vy73 de wolfie df5sx topnews wwdxc From: David Morris via groups.io Sent: Sunday, March 09, 2025 8:14 PM Subject: Re: [bdxc-news] Republic of Yemen Radio - 11935 kHz
Thanks to Tony for the tip. Being heard in Lytchett Matravers, near Poole, at 1913 today with the buzzing noise over a talk from a YL. David J Morris On Sun, 9 Mar 2025 at 19:11, Tony Rogers via groups.io <rogers.a1=btinternet.com@groups.io> wrote:
Republic of Yemen Radio on 11935 kHz (or more precisely 11934.79 kHz as measured on online KiwiSDR’s) is once again accompanied by a buzzing noise. Noted at 1855 UTC on 9 March 2025. Presumably this is a transmitter fault rather than jamming – see Rob Wagner’s comments from June 2024: https://medxr.blogspot.com/2024/06/11935-khz-again-radio-sanaa-fixes.html 73’s Tony Qodosen DX-286 / random wire (and also heard on various online KiwiSDR’s) _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/