Some logs of yesterday Monday Febr 17 / Tuesday Febr 18 taken at Edmonton AB_Canada remote Perseus SDR unit, at 23.45 UT til 01.30 UT:
5960.003 TUR TRT Emirler, ID "The Voice of Türkiye" at 23.49UT, fluttery S=9 signal, 23-24 UT English sce. 23.45 UT 6010.036 BRA ZYE521 Rádio Inconficencia, Belo Horizonte MG S=5 23.50 UT <http://inconfidencia.com.br/player/pop_am.php> and <http://inconfidencia.com.br/player/pop_fm.php> 6149.958 BRA Rádio Saturno, BrasPort, S=5 poor and tiny,fluttery23.51 UT 6160v USA NOTHING on WCBQ txion at this hour. 6179.933 BRA Brasilia signal channel on lower sideband flank. 23.55 UT Rádio Nacional Amazonia, Brasilia, nice very sweet mx program at 23.55 UT on Mon Febr 17. S=8 strength in Alberta. 6184.966 MEX Senal Cultura Mexicana, Mexico D.F., Poor S=5 at 00.00 UT 7325even ROU RRI Galbeni site, Spanish to LatinAM 00.00-01.00 00.02 UT on Tuesday Febr 18. S=9+5dB signal sidelobe in AB-CAN. 7489.928 USA WBCQ, S=6 poor signal at 00.05 UT 7519.993 USA WWCR #4 Nashville TN, 'Hallelujah' S=9+30dB powerhouse strong signal into Alberta, at 00.06 UT 9264.987 USA WINB Red Lion PA state, sermon in Spanish(!), strong S=9+20dB signal. 2 x 120 Hertz apart away heavy BUZZ audio tone signal parallel, at 00.10 UT 9275even USA new 300 kW Ampegon excellent TX installation WMLK from Bethel PA site, S=9+15dB strength, En sermon 00.13 UT 9330even USA WBCQ in Portuguese progr of WLC S=9+20dB Febr 18 00.14 UT 9395even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL '... friends, the Lord is coming soon, You Are Ready ?', S=9+25dB much powerful strength 00.15 UT 9455even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL, TOM BS ministry 'Hallelujah' sermon S=9+30dB much powerful signal 00.17 UT 9565.004 USA One of the USAGM units at Greenville NC is some Hertz aligned on upper flank, R Marti opposite radio towards Cuban audience on the communist organized govt island at 00.18 UT 9665.004 BRA Rádio Voz Missionaria, in BrasPort, 14 kHz wide 00.20 UT audio signal, S=9+10dB proper signal. 9690even ESP REE Noblejas Portuguese(!)language program, S=9+25 00.22 UT 9745even CHN CNR7 'Greater Bay Area' doemstic program in Cantonese language, S=8 at 00.23 UT and some more some 30 different China mainland SW radio programs too on 31 meterband at this hour in North America target ! 9818v BRA '9 de Julho' BrasPort - NOT ON AIR AT THIS HOUR. 9929.979 USA WTWW Lebanon TN, En sermon, singer chorus too 00.30 UT tremendous S=9+45dB signal into Alberta-CAN target Perseus SDR. 9955even USA WRMI Okeechobee FL, S=9+20dB signal, singer group performance, 'Federal Reserve' matter talk 00.34 UT 12120 - 12210 kHz CODAR wiper sound heard at 00.36 UT 12050even USA WEWN Vandiver-AL state, catholic radio px in Spanish youg boys and girls program, S=9+35dB powerful signal 00.37 UT 11990.083 seldom odd aligned China mainland TXion outlet, CRI Khmer foreign sce via Nanning bcast center, S=8 at 00.40 UT 11930even USA R Marti USAGM Spanish outlet towards Cuban communist target audience,via USAGM Greenville NC center S=9+30dB 00.41 UT 11780.005 BRA Rádio Nacional Amazonia, Brasilia, Port S=9+25dB 00.43 UT 11749.779 BRA Rádio Voz Missionaria Camboriu SC, BrasPort, S=8 00.45 UT 11630even CHN CNR #17 domestic sce, 00.00-12.00 Kazakh language 00.48 UT via Lingshi #725 bc center site, S=6-7 fluttery signal. 11620even CHN CNR #5 'Cross Straight Bay' domestic sce from Beijing #491 txion center site, at 00.51 UT 13435 - 13570 kHz CODAR wiper sound and OTHR signal too heard at 00.52 UT 13705even JP NHK Radio Japan via KDDI national telecommunication provider at Koga-Ibaragi-Yamata Japan site, Burmese sce S=8 sidelobe into Alberta-CAN, 00.53 UT 13770.005 odd fqy CHN CRI in Vietnamese via Xian site S=9+15dB 00.00-00.57 UT, TX Xian off exact at 00.57:03 UT 00.56 UT 15189.778 BRA ZYE521 Rádio Inconficencia, Belo Horizonte MG S=8 01.01 UT <http://inconfidencia.com.br/player/pop_am.php> and <http://inconfidencia.com.br/player/pop_fm.php> 15215even probably CNR1 domestic program jamming, still parked at 01.03 UT of previously transmission THA VoA Udorn Thani Bandung Tibetan at 00.00-00.30 UT and 11830 UDO, 17575 PHT-PHL too. 15245.008 TWN USAGM RFA Burmese sce via Pao Chung site, S=8 01.04 UT 15425even CHN CRI Xianyang in Amoy Min Nan Chinese towards Taiwan isl, Girls singer chorus, S=9+15dB at 01.06 UT 15550even CHN CNR #7 'Greater Bay Area' Cantonese lang sce from Huhhot site, 00.00-11.00 Ut, 01.08 UT 15560.003 PHL FEBC Bocaue site, Javanese INS sce S=7 01.12 UT 15570even CHN CNR #11 domestic via Baoji Sifangshan #724 site 01.14 UT in Tibetan. 17575even PHL USAGM VoA Tinang in Tibetan towards western China Xining province target, S07 fair signal into Alberta-CAN 01.18 UT 17674.996 NZL odd fqy, seemingly older former Thomson transmitter reserve unit at Radio NZ 'Pacific' Rangitaiki site in use today. The latest Ampegon new unit is usual on exact even fqy. 01.20 UT 17715even ESP REE Noblejas still heard at S=8 level at this deep night hour (not 17755 kHz anymore) at 01.22 UT 17770 DRM digital CNR1 domestic sce mode, Dong Fang island Hainan site S=9 at 01.24 UT 21800even CHN CNR1 upper band end CNR dom sce jamming signal, also 21490even purpose at 01.27 UT [selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz] (wb df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Feb 17 - 18) -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- From: Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 3:43 AM Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 16-17-18, 2025 SPAIN. 9690, Mon Feb 17 at 2300, token English from SNR, VG direct here, almost VG on 17715, audible on 17755 and still no signal on 12030. No news, but interview about Spain locations substituting for USA in filming Westerns, etc. Guest had a heavy accent (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) TURKEY [and non]. 5960.003+, Feb 17 at 2335, Voice of Turkey is back! Long talk about something by familiar OM voice, but no segment/theme ID when finished, rather 2345 ``with-you-every-hour`` promo, music; lite 6CI JBA underneath. 2350 ``always-by-your-side`` promo, music. 2353 s/off just like in the old days, as if it`s only the 1330 broadcast on 13635. 2354 IS. 2356 pause and restart IS with German IDs. Chopoff at 2359:50 just in time to avoid an extraneous German broadcast, and uncover the Chinese CCI. Something`s always awry at Ankara, erroneous at Emirler! Many tnx to WOR reporters for heads-up: At 2312 from John VORW Jurasek: ``[WOR] Voice of Turkey English Service appears to have resumed! This requires further monitoring but as of 2300 UTC, I was surprised to hear the traditional English Service of the Voice of Turkey on 5960 kHz instead of the TRT World Television Audio, with the male announcer explicitly introducing the broadcast with a "We're back". Program contents are once again the mixture of news reports as well as cultural features and Turkish musical selections. I haven't seen any formal announcements of the reversal so it's probably worth checking 5960 kHz for the rest of the hour and 6125 kHz at 0400 UTC. Just a heads-up! All the best, John, Central Florida`` And Craig Tyson, Perth, Western Australia at 2339: ``[WOR] VOT English programming heard today and not TRT World feed on 9610 2130-2224 when transmission cut. Maybe they are back to their old English programming format? Also repeated at 2300 on 5960`` I have mixed feelings about this; as for the past sesquimonth I felt no urge or ``obligation`` to monitor Turkey vs Spain, TV news, et al. at 2300 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; This report dispatched at 0242 UT February 18 _Hard-Core-DX mailing list _ Hard-Core-DX mailing list Hard-Core-DX@hard-core-dx.com http://montreal.kotalampi.com/mailman/listinfo/hard-core-dx http://www.hard-core-dx.com/