** CHINA. 9785, Jan 13 at 1527, discussion of wind and solar, in American English so must be CRI: yes, this hour only from Jinhua 831 site for S Asia, but S5/S6 here (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)
** CUBA. 15230, Jan 13 at 1501, JBA carrier, presumably all that`s left of RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. 1640 kHz, Jan 13 at 1455, and Jan 14 at 0540 UT, STILL dead air from KZLS (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. 1670 kHz, Jan 13 circa 2330 UT, Virtual DJ Radio still going, Jessica again, even near US 81/412 junxion in Enid, with QRM (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR) ** OKLAHOMA. 95.1 MHz, Jan 13 circa 2330 UT, OG&E Tree of Lights transmitter in downtown Enid is still dead air in $ tereo; range seems better than before, FWIW (Glenn Hauser, Enid, WOR) ** U S A. 8992, 11175, 15016, 4724, all USB, Jan 13 at 1531, tail end of US military alfanumeric cypher message exercise, with a dog yip before he`s quite finished (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2277 monitoring: Also confirmed Sunday January 12 at 2000 on IRRS SW via AM Italia, 1322.998, S9 into UTwente Also confirmed Sunday January 12 at 2100 on WRN Europe webcast. Also confirmed Sunday January 12 at 2239 the 2230 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975.003-, S7 but noisy into UTwente. Also confirmed Sunday January 12 at 2346 the 2330 on WRMI 7780, and 7570, both S9+10/20 into south Texas SDR. Also confirmed UT Monday January 13 at 0030 on WRMI 7780, S7/S9 into south Texas SDR. Also confirmed UT Monday January 13 at 0400 on Area 51 webcast only. Missed checking Mon Jan 13 at 2030 on SW Radio, Germany, 3975; anyone hear it? Confirmed UT Tuesday January 14 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, S9+5/15 into S Texas SDR. Next: 1400 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 1500 UT Tuesday WRMI 9955 to SSE [also web-, phonecast; jammed?]; 2100 UT Tuesday IRRS 1323-Italy; 0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW; 0030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2030 UT Wednesday SW Radio, Germany 3975; 2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW; 0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S; 1730 UT Thursday SW Radio, Germany 3975. Thanks this week for a very generous contribution via PayPal in US funds but not necessarily, to woradio at yahoo.com, from Peter Robinson, Preston UK, and says, ``All the best for the New Year, 73's to all DXers, especially British DX Club.`` One may also contribute by money order or check on a US bank to: Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) ** U S A. 7570, Jan 13 at 0640, WRMI `Legends` with Ted shilling something. Very late hour for that? But transmitter grid now shows it at 05-07 System C on 7570; while System C grid shows 01-04 on 5050, 04-06 on 9455, nothing on 7570 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 12145-12190, Jan 13 at 1525 huge wideband multi-tones, peaking around 12180 at S9. This would be a big problem for WWCR, but recheck 1611 after it`s on, the tones are gone (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) UNIDENTIFIED. 13590, Jan 13 at 1520, weak carrier cutting off and on rapidly, and maybe some modulation on it. It`s the OSOB extracontinental besides 13820 & 13845. EiBi shows VOA Deewa Radio via Lampertheim, GERMANY but also could be CNR1 jamming vs Sound of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR) This report dispatched at 0551 UT January 14