Highlights from this issue: - QSL information and SW-logs. - [nordx] Radiominnen, Lennart Deimert - Kiwi op / hints guide just uploaded. Zacharias Liangas - Kiwi. Web888 etc kan hälsa hem, ny nRSP-ST från SDRPlay - [WOR] Moosbrunn, Austria, farewell plans - [WOR] The Incredible Story Behind the First Transistor Radio - SAQ to air on Dec 1st 2024. Celebrating ?100 Years of Communication? - [A-DX] Beacon Liste - SWL Contest 2025 rules - University of Twente Site for Phones and Tablets, by Bob Colegrove, SWLing Post - DX-Nostalgia by Ronny Forslund https://www.hard-core-dx.com/swb/2068.pdf